Community Embroidery Needlework Crafts
The project involves the creation of 4 embroidered panels to mark the millennium in the parish of Ravenstonedale. Each panel has a distinct theme related to the parish and a secondary seasonal theme.
Top: Arts: Crafts: Needlework
Community Embroidery
- Millennium Tapestry - The Millennium Tapestry A number crafts of local needlework schools, including Prior Park First School, crafts Lowick First School, Holy needlework Trinity First School, Berwick crafts Middle School and The Grove School, needlework were asked crafts to create tapestries to celebrate the Millennium.
- Heaton, Bradford, St Barnabas Millennium Tapestry - This millennium tapestry was organised through church groups, individual embroiderers chose their own techniques.
- All Saints Church, Rotherfield Peppard - The Millennium Tapestry is located at the rear needlework of the crafts building. Scenes on the tapestry depict needlework some of the features crafts that characterise Peppard.
- New Page 1 - The Millennium Tapestry was designed and made by crafts all the children at Slaley First School, and crafts was completed in the summer of 2000. It crafts was exhibited at Alnwick Castle and Hexham Abbey, crafts and now hangs in the School Hall.
- Lewes, Christ Church - The Embroidery took 3 years to make and was ready crafts in time for the Millennium, the three panel embroidery is crafts displayed at Christ Church in Prince Edward's Road, Lewes.
- Leeds Tapestry 2000 - Community art project embroidered to celebrate the needlework millennium, consisting needlework of 16 panels of needlework in needlework a fabric collage.
- Ravenstonedale, Kirkby Stephen, Cumbria - The project involves the creation of 4 embroidered panels to needlework mark the millennium in the parish of Ravenstonedale. Each panel needlework has a distinct theme related to the parish and a needlework secondary seasonal theme.
- Martinstown - It is a tiny place near Dorchester with crafts a stream running between the road and the crafts cottages. The country round is rich in the crafts turf-covered tombs of an immemorial ancestry.
- The Overlord Embroidery - The Overlord Embroidery is a unique 83-metre-long textile community embroidery tribute to the sacrifice and heroism of those community embroidery who took part in Operation Overlord, the Allied community embroidery invasion of Normandy, on 6 June 1944.
- The Harris Tapestry - The Harris Tapestry consists of 8 individual panels. Each panel crafts depicts a different area of the Isle of Harris. The crafts tapestry is all handmade and only local natural fibres have crafts been used.
- Sunbury Millennium Embroidery - This project is intended as a permanent, commemorative needlework record which crafts celebrates the ancient riverside village of needlework Sunbury-on-Thames and its community crafts at the turn of needlework the year 2000.
- Quorn Embroidery - Images of Quorn 2000 is the interpretation by six Quorn community embroidery embroideries who responded to the Parish Council Chairman\\'s plea for community embroidery villagers to produce a Parish Map for Quorn.
- Bradford's Millennium Embroidery - Bradford on Avon\\'s Millennium Tapestry. 12 panels mainly worked in chain stitch
- Ferring Millennium Project - The Millennium is celebrated in artistic form with many of Ferring\\'s residents and societies creating tapestries to depict Ferring in West Sussex, England, at the turn of the century
- This is Guernsey - Out and About - Millennium Tapestry - Index - \\'Undoubtedly Guernsey\\'s most successful millennium project, the 10 needlework panels of crafts the Millennium Tapestry went on public needlework display at St James crafts in early 2002 after needlework four years in the making.'
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