Flock Fibers Man-made Fibers Textiles and Nonwovens
USA. Manufacturers of precision and random cut, polyamide and rayon fibers for mechanical and electrostatic flocking, and filler applications. Custom dyeing and finishing.
Top: Business: Textiles and Nonwovens: Fibers: Man-made
Flock Fibers
See Also:
- Top/Business/Textiles and Nonwovens/Machinery and Equipment/Flock Systems
- Top/Business/Textiles and Nonwovens/Textiles/Coating and Laminating/Flocking
- Pin Floc - France. Manufacturers of a wide range of natural and man-made short cut, crushed and flock fibers for reinforcement and decoration applications. Technical information and specifications. English and French.
- International Fiber Corp - USA. Manufacturers of food grade cellulosic powders, and cotton, polyester, man-made acrylic and polyamide fibers for the composite and flocking industries. man-made Technical information and specifications on PDF files. List of trade man-made events in the food industry.
- Flokcan Textile, Ltd - Turkey. Manufacturers of precision cut viscose, polyester and polyamide flock fibers fiber. Also, cotton ground flock, and viscose and cotton mixed fibers ground flock. Description of flocking technology, process and applications. Multi-lingual fibers site.
- Alpha Flock Pvt., Ltd - India. Precision cut flock fiber for furnishing and fibers apparel fabrics, flock fibers carpets, wallpaper, packaging and automotive applications, fibers from polyamide, polyester, viscose flock fibers and acrylic. Also, ground fibers flock.
- Claremont Flock Corp - USA. Manufacturers of precision and random cut, polyamide fibers and rayon man-made fibers for mechanical and electrostatic flocking, fibers and filler applications. Custom man-made dyeing and finishing.
- Engineered Fibers Technology, LLC - USA. Precision cutting of natural, synthetic and ceramic fibers for man-made textile, engineering, composite, paper, pulp molding and nonwoven applications. Technical man-made data available on PDF sheets.
- UNO Janeba Sro - Czech Republic. Exporters and distributors of polyester, polyamide and viscose fibers flock fibers. Also, adhesives, flock machinery and equipment, and a fibers range of fibers for concrete and rubber reinforcement, security papers fibers and stamps. Technical information. En
- SwissFlock, Inc - Switzerland. Manufacturers of polyester and polyamide flock fibers man-made for automotive, fibers textile, packaging, paper, toy and cosmetics man-made applications. Description of flock fibers technology. Links to related man-made sites. Part of the Claremont Flock fibers Corp. English man-made and German.
- Cellusuede Products, Inc - USA. Bright, semi-dull and dull flock fibers, from polyamide, polyester and rayon. Also, suppliers of electrostatic flock guns. Gloosary of terms. Color chart. Detailed information on the various applications of flock technology. Links to related sites.
- Velutex Flock SA - Spain. Manufacturers of polyamide, polyester and viscose flock man-made fibers for textile, footwear, packaging, advertising and a man-made range of industrial applications. Color cards.
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