GURPS Universal Genres Roleplaying
Incanus' collection of scraps, tidbits, articles, and variants - dozens of GURPS items, including original work and articles culled from Usenet and sundry sources.
Top: Games: Roleplaying: Genres: Universal
See Also:
Editor's Picks:

Roleplayer: The GURPS Magazine

- GURPS: Generic Universal Roleplaying System - The official Steve Jackson Games page for GURPS. Features news on new and upcoming releases, and links to the massive SJ Games library of online resources.
- DM's GURPS Page - Articles, including technical discussions, rules articles, adventures and genres seeds, and genres the Amber Nebula SF campaign.
- GURPS Character Repository - A collection of characters, adventures, house rules and links. By genres SD Anderson.
- GURPSnet - Mailing list on GURPS with archive of vehicles, genres gear, characters universal and adventures.
- Rare GURPS Items - Incanus\\' collection of scraps, tidbits, articles, and variants genres - dozens universal of GURPS items, including original work genres and articles culled from universal Usenet and sundry sources.
- Brandon Cope - Vehicles, characters and campaign settings for GURPS and universal Traveller.
- Blue Room GURPS - A large collection of "classic era" GURPS articles, adventures, design genres notes, and product ratings by S. John Ross, author of genres GURPS Warehouse 23 and other supplements. Includes the Unlimited Mana genres rules.
- MOD-RPG - New and altered rules for GURPS campaigns.
- GURPS Frequently Asked Questions - The official FAQ maintained by Steve Jackson Games.
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