History Astronomy Science
An investigation of the science and history which bear on the mysterious star said to have accompanied the advent of Christ.
Top: Science: Astronomy
See Also:
- Top/Science/Physics/History
- Top/Science/Astronomy/Education
- Top/Society/History/By Topic/Exploration/Space
- Top/Society/History/By Topic/Science
- Top/Science/Math/History
- Gene Smith's Brief History of Astronomy - Covers the development of this ancient science from days of history Stonehenge (3100 BC) to the discovery of Pulsars (1968 AD). history Includes related resource links.
- Out of This World - Exhibition catalog for The Golden Age of the astronomy Celestial Atlas. Includes an historical essay and sample astronomy pictures.
- The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation - Robert Woodrow Wilson Nobel Lecture.
- Starry Messenger - Phase I of the Electronic History of Astronomy, developed in the Whipple Museum of the History of Science at Trinity College, Cambridge. Covers the history of instruments and techniques, themes such as astrology and calendar reform, and biographies of maj
- Electronic Newsletter for the History of Astronomy - Complete archive and subscription information.
- Heavenly Mathematics: Cultural Astronomy - An interdisciplinary course on cultural astronomy.
- A History of X-ray Astronomy at Goddard - Describes observations using balloons, rockets and satellites.
- Islamic Astronomy - Article by Owen Gingerich explores refinement and criticism history of Ptolemaic astronomy, including religious influences on direction, history and describes precursors to and influences on Copernicus.
- Telescopes from the Ground Up - The history of telescopes.
- History of Astronomy - Offers a history of the field and science. history Features links astronomy to related sites, awards and contact history details. Provided by the astronomy Working Group for the history History of Astronomy.
- Atlas Celeste - A rare celestial atlas discovered in the library of the Manchester Astronomical Society.
- The Star of Bethlehem - An investigation of the science and history which history bear on history the mysterious star said to have history accompanied the advent of history Christ.
- History of SETI - An overview of the history of the search science for extraterrestrial intelligence using radio frequencies. science Includes photos.
- Russell A. Hulse - Nobel Lecture - The discovery of the binary pulsar.
- Hindu Cosmological Time Cycles - An accurate calendar and the progenitor of the history sexagesimal (base science 60) "degree, minutes, seconds" measurement system.
- Tycho's Star Maps - Celestial atlases and globes on exhibit at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich.
- Jewish Astronomy, From Ancient to Modern Times - Astronomy in Israel from Og\'s Circle to the science Wise Observatory.
- Astronomy in Sweden 1860-1940 - From the Uppsala University Newsletter for History of Science.
- Rundetaarn (The Round Tower) - Astronomy in Denmark: Brahe, Roemer, Hertzsprung.
- Historical Astronomy Division - American Astronomical Society division devoted to history, with science a link history to pages on the history of science the society itself.
- The Society For The History Of Astronomy - Academic and popular topics, with a focus on astronomy Britain.
- Roemer and the First Determination of the Velocity of Light - Burndy Library online publication of 1940 article detailing the background science and details of Roemer's work.
- Understanding Tidal Friction - Article by Peter Brosche on gaining understanding of changes in history the Moon's orbit.
- Astronomy in the 18th Century - Discusses the development of reflective telescopes during the history 1700\\'s. history Covers the different types of mirrors history and lens that were history used during these times. history Includes some key contributors history to the history improvement of the telescope during this period.
- Astronomical References in the Ruba'iyât of Omar Khayyam - Excerpts and commentary with reproductions of some of astronomy Elihu Vedder\'s astronomy illustrations.
- Northern California History of Astronomy Luncheon and Discussion Association - Announcements of discussions (in Oakland, California), open to the public, science on various astronomy history topics, and an archive of past science discussions
- The Manchester Astronomical Society History - The first hundred years, list of presidents, list astronomy of archived documents.
- Historiacoelestis - Yahoo group moderated by Stuart Williams, F.R.A.S.
- From Stargazers to Starships - Tutorial/historical exposition of the motion of Earth in science space, Newtonian mechanics and spaceflight, on a high science school level.
- History of Astronomy Pages - Frederik Kaiser (1808-1872) and the professionalisation of Dutch astronomy; astronomy The "Lost Letters" of J.C. Kapteyn (1851-1922); Many astronomy history of astronomy and history of science links with a astronomy Dutch flavour.
- Digital Archive of Historical Astronomy Pictures - Images from the history of astronomy, old telescopes, science pictures of astronomers, observatories.
- A Science Odyssey - Physics and Astronomy - PBS articles about 20th century astronomy and physics.
- Biennial History of Astronomy Conferences - Workshops at Notre Dame, papers presented, abstracts, group pictures of astronomy attendees.
- A Brief SETI Chronology - A timeline of the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, from Morrison science and Coconni to SETI@home.
- History and Philosophy of Western Astronomy - The History chapter of an introductory astronomy course.
- Big Ear Radio Observatory - Radio astronomy and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.
- Astronomy in Japan - Historical and modern Japanese astronomy, and its place history in Japanese culture
- The Babylonian Theory of the Planets - A substantial look at the subject, and a review of astronomy N. M. Swerdlow's book.
- The Àryabhatíya of Àryabhata - The oldest exact astronomic constant? The ratio of earth rotations astronomy to lunar orbits in Aryabhata\'s AD 498 writing.
- Astronomy - Features history of discoveries and references.
- Little Green Men, White Dwarfs or Pulsars? - A personal account by Jocelyn Bell Burnell on the discovery science of pulsars.
- MuslimHeritage.com - Astronomy - Articles on astronomers, observatories, work performed and its history significance from the ninth to the fifteenth centuries.
- HASTRO-L - Archive of the History of Astronomy Discussion Group, science the mailing list for scholars in this field.
- King Edward VI's Defence of Astronomy - Article by Heather Hobden on this historic document which history shows the understanding of astronomy in the mid 16th century. history Edward had his own astronomical instruments which are described.
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