People Linguistics Social Sciences
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology - Researcher in knowledge science interested in semantics of natural language in general, and situation semantics in specific.
Top: Science: Social Sciences: Linguistics
- Um, Yongnam - SUNY at Buffalo - Applied linguist interested in Asian and linguistics Indo-European languages, and historical linguistics.
- Cooper, Robin - Göteborg University - Computational linguist interested in situation linguistics semantics and Montague grammars.
- Hendriks, Petra - Home page of Petra Hendriks, professor at the linguistics Center for social sciences Language and Cognition at the University linguistics of Groningen.
- Peperkamp, Sharon - University of Paris 8. Research interests include phonological linguistics theory and linguistics early language acquisition.
- Prince, Alan - Phonologist at Rutgers University. Includes research interests, CV, linguistics and downloadable social sciences papers.
- Nouwen, Rick - University of Utrecht - Interested in dynamic semantics, social sciences generalized linguistics quantifiers theory, plurals, reflexives, reciprocals, NP-typology, and social sciences mereology.
- van Eijck, Jan - CWI, Amsterdam - Computational linguist, whose site includes people details of Dynamo, an implementation of dynamic logic people programming.
- Zuckerman, Ghil`ad - Academic website of Dr Ghil`ad Zuckermann, D.Phil. (Oxford), people a linguist people at the University of Cambridge, whose people interests include linguistics, Israel, people Hebrew, Yiddish, Chinese, Japanese, people Turkish and word games.
- Johnson, Angel M. - PhD student\\'s website containing a regular journal of people thoughts and study, a comprehensive bibliography, a feedback people form and her completed thesis on online forms people of communication.
- Heim, Irene - Semanticist and head of the linguistics department at linguistics MIT. Includes linguistics research interests, contact information, and a linguistics list of recent publications.
- Fodor, Jerry A. - Entry at the Dictionary of the Philosophy of Mind.
- Greenberg, Joseph - Wikipedia biography emphasizing his work on classifying the people languages of social sciences Africa and the Americas.
- Stokhof, Martin - University of Amsterdam - Collection of his papers, linguistics including his people survey article `Questions\\' (written in collaboration linguistics with Jeroen Groenendijk), which people appeared in the `Handbook linguistics of Logic and Language' (1997).
- Geurts, Bart - Radboud University Nijmegen - Interested in semantics of linguistics natural language, people especially presuppositions and Dynamic Logic.
- Llisterri, Joaquim - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Research and teaching in linguistics general and applied phonetics, general and applied linguistics, linguistics speech technologies and spoken language resources.
- Piggott, Glyne - Phonologist at McGill University. His research focuses on social sciences phonological theory, historical phonology, morphology, and Amerindian languages.
- Rask, Rasmus - Danish philologist, carried out pioneering work on the genealogy of social sciences the Indo-European languages. Short article at InfoPlease, an educational social sciences resource for children.
- Kochanski, Greg - Research results and papers in computational phonetics.
- Starostin, Sergei - Includes a collection of dictionaries and etymological databases, mostly compiled social sciences by the late linguist.
- Krifka, Manfred - Professor in general linguistics at the Institute for linguistics German Speech and Linguistics, Humboldt University in Berlin. linguistics Interested in semantics and interrogatives.
- Whorf, Benjamin Lee - Biography, publications, and quotations.
- Frantz, Don - University of Lethbridge professor working on the syntax and historical linguistics of Amerindian and African native languages.
- Baker, Mark, C. - Syntactician at Rutgers University. His research focuses on syntactic theory, morphology and the grammar of Amerindian languages.
- Copeland, James - Rice University-Professor of linguistics.
- Partee, Barbara H. - University of Massachusetts at Amherst - A distinguished social sciences early worker on Montague Grammar, the main line social sciences of her work lies in foundational aspects of social sciences semantics and its relationship to syntax.
- Harley, Heidi - University of Arizona - Interest are syntax, lexical people semantics and morphology.
- Beaver, David - University of Texas at Austin - Interested in linguistics semantics, pragmatics, people and more specifically presupposition and dynamic linguistics semantics.
- Hartsuiker, Rob - Senior Lecturer at the Department of Experimental Psychology at the people University of Ghent, Belgium. Includes teaching material on language people production, experimental material and a program to calculate word similarity.
- Labov, William - University of Pennsylvania - Change in language and linguistics dialect, sociolinguistics. Principal investigator of the Phonological linguistics Atlas of North America, a massive survey of linguistics phonetic variation across the USA.
- Abbott, Barbara - Michigan State University - Interested in semantics and people pragmatics of people language. Holds a joint appointment people in linguistics and philosophy.
- Chung, Karen - Homepage with university-level materials and links in phonetics, linguistics linguistics and social sciences language learning, especially for Chinese and linguistics Taiwanese students as well social sciences as for general learners linguistics and linguists.
- Berjaoui, Nasser - Ph.D, English-French-Arabic, Ibn Tofail University, Morocco. Interests include social sciences secret languages, argots, codes and slangs (French, Standard social sciences Arabic, Moroccan Arabic and Tamazight Berber).
- Kempson, Ruth - Kings College, London - Principally interested in formal social sciences approaches to the syntax-semantics-pragmatics interface. Joint originator, social sciences with Dov Gabbay, of the Labelled Deductive System social sciences for Natural Language Understanding.
- Kayne, Richard - Syntactician at New York University. Includes research interests, linguistics CV, contact information and recent papers.
- Pustejovsky, James - Brandeis University - Interests are computational linguistics, lexical semantics and language guided web analysis. Proposer of The Generative Lexicon, a very influential approach to lexical semantics.
- Fujinami, Tsutomu - Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology - Researcher in knowledge science interested in semantics of natural language in general, and situation semantics in specific.
- Jusczyk, Peter W. - Johns Hopkins University - Infant language perception, first social sciences language linguistics acquisition, phonology and prosody.
- Das, Pradeep Kumar - Linguistics, an assistant professor in university of Delhi,India.
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