G Gundam Gundam Titles Anime
Aired in Japan during 1994-95 season, "Mobile Fighter G Gundam" is the first ever non-UC (Universal Century) Gundam TV series which kick-starts the trends for 'Alternate Universes' Gundam series which includes Gundam Wing, Gundam X, and Turn-A Gundam. Directed by the super-robo show veteran Yasuhiro Imagawa, G-Gundam is radically different from all other Gundam series with the usual military undertone being replaced by hot-blooded, action-packed martial art oriented MS combat actions with excellent stories and superb character designs which attract new and long time Gundam fans.
Top: Arts: Animation: Anime: Titles: G: Gundam
G Gundam
- Mobile Fighter G Gundam - Mecha and character information.
- The Devil's Lair: G Gundam Page - Episode guide, character and MS profiles, image gallery and multimedia.
- G Gundam Century - Character and MS information, story synopsis, image gallery, g gundam multimedia and links.
- The Nihon Review - Mobile Fighter G Gundam - Story, review, and images.
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