Z Gundam Gundam Titles Anime
Released in 1985, "Mobile Suit Z Gundam" (pronounced "Zeta Gundam") is the epic, doom-laden TV sequel of the original classic Gundam (0079) animation series. Creator/director Yoshiyuki Tomino returned with another classic Earth-Space conflict with dramatic role reversal. The mecha designs by Kunio Okawara, Kazumi Fujita and Mamoru Nagano plus character design by Yoshikazu Yazuhiko make guarantees 'Z Gundam' the unshakeable status among the best Gundam animation series.
Top: Arts: Animation: Anime: Titles: G: Gundam
Z Gundam
Editor's Picks:
Z Gundam Warehouse - All about "Z Gundam" TV series. Story, mecha, character profiles, FAQs, and links.
- The Nihon Review - Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam - Story, review, and images.
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