Laputa - Castle in the Sky Titles Anime Animation
"Tenkû no shiro Laputa" (1986), a feature film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki. Disney plans to release the film in the United States as "Castle in the Sky".
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Laputa - Castle in the Sky
Editor's Picks:
Laputa: Castle in the Sky: Tenku no shiro Rapyuta - Movie information, illustrated synopsis, music, wallpaper, screensaver, images, and shopping guide.
- Laputa - The Castles in the WebRing - Ring for sites concerning the film. Also includes titles sites for laputa - castle in the sky other animes from Hayao Miyazaki, including titles Nausicaa and Totoro.
- Jimmy's Lover - Laputa - Includes a summary of the story, pictures, character l profiles, and l music in MIDI format.
- Laputa - Story outline with different scenes and pictures.
- The Nihon Review - Castle in the Sky - Story, review, and images.
- Wndrkn's Anime Cel Gallery - Some original artworks for the animation.
- Laputa Image Gallery - A selection of images in JPEG format, with laputa - castle in the sky thumbnails.
- Laputa - Castle in the Sky Fanlisting - A fanlisting of Laputa, including a short biography of Hayao titles Miyazaki, story outline, character introduction and image gallery.
- - Information, articles and resources on the film, director and studio, laputa - castle in the sky by Team Ghiblink.
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