Aeon Flu Titles Cartoons Animation
Aeon Flux, created by Peter Chung, began as a segment of Liquid Television on MTV, and was expanded to a series in 1995. It was the mysterious story, persumable set in the future, of female "terror agent" Aeon Flux.
Top: Arts: Animation: Cartoons: Titles: A
Aeon Flux
See Also:
- Aeon Flux Discussion Board - Bulletin board FAQ with instructions on posting questions, titles thoughts, rants, and raves about the show or titles view previous posts.
- Yahoo Groups: Aeon Flux Forum - Message board, archive, and joining instructions.
- IMDb: Aeon Flux - Plot summary, credits, reviews, a cast overview, and viewer comments.
- Aeon Flux Mailing List - Discussion list for the series with group information, a and membership instructions.
- Pazsaz: Aeon Flux - Voice cast and an episode guide.
- Aeon Flux Petition - Petition to get Aeon Flux onto DVD.
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