Barry, Dave Humor Authors Literature
A reprint of this essay from the book "Dave Barry in Cyberspace." Includes video of the real-life event.
Top: Arts: Literature: Authors: Humor
Barry, Dave
See Also:
Editor's Picks:
Dave Barry - Official website with biography, FAQ for students, appearance schedule, list of books, and natterings.
- Standback's Dave Barry Page - Fan page with quote file, reviews of Dave\\'s books, and compiled lists of mottos and good names for rock bands.
- Dave Barry Personal Appearances - Provides request forms for Barry\\'s motivational speaking and barry, dave personal appearances. Contact information for Barber and barry, dave Associates.
- There's Big Trouble Ahead for Dave Barry - Jeff Taylor interviews Barry about his first novel, "Big Trouble" barry, dave for the Book Page in September 1999.
- Dave Barry for President - Message board.
- Alison Roth's Dave Barry Tribute Page - Fan page discussing the lack of information to authors create a barry, dave fan page.
- Dave Barry's Blog - A discussion of various topics by Dave humor Barry.
- Dave Barry FAQ - The small, auxiliary back-up FAQ about Dave Barry and the usenet group
- AutoDave! - The automated Dave Barry column generator.
- The Infamous Exploding Whale - A reprint of this essay from the book "Dave Barry barry, dave in Cyberspace." Includes video of the real-life event.
- Dave Barry's Alert Readers' Homepage - Alert Readers send Dave news articles of interest. Articles, scrapbook barry, dave and links.
- The Dave Barry FAQ - The Usenet newsgroup Frequently Asked Questions by authors Mike Steele.
- Exploding Whale - Officially sanctioned animal removal in 1970 in Florence, Oregon described barry, dave by Barry in a 1990 column, prompting delayed news coverage. barry, dave Timeline, photos, column text, links to original television news video barry, dave and various audio files.
- The Miami Herald: Dave Barry - Current and recent columns.
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