Acrostics Forms Poetry Literature
Acrostic Verse is an ancient Greek poetic form in which the initial letters of each word when read downwards form a word.Double and Triple Acrostic Verse can have the middle and/or last letter of a line also spell a word.
Top: Arts: Literature: Poetry: Forms
- Acrostics by Seminar Members - Collection of verse from The University Of Pennsylvania.
- Name Poems for Free - A collection of acrostic name poems by Nicholas poetry Gordon; works are free for any personal or poetry non-commercial purpose.
- Baseball Acrostics - Collection of baseball acrostics from Writer's Corner
- The Papers of George Washington - Five Acrostic Verses about George Washington, that were penned during his lifetime.
- Name Acrostics - Verses written by third year pupils from the poetry Dorothy C poetry Goodwin Elementary School.
- Food, Drink and Romance - Selection of verse based on names.
- Acrostics of Self-Inscription - Verse by Women Poets of the Romantic Age
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