Resources Reading Groups Literature
Gives readers an intuitive way to find books to match their mood. Using innovative software enables the choice of book to start from the individual reader and what he/she is looking for.
Top: Arts: Literature: Reading Groups
See Also:
- Top/Arts/Literature/Reviews and Criticism
- Top/Reference/Libraries/Library and Information Science/User Services/Readers Advisory
- - Gives readers an intuitive way to find books to match reading groups their mood. Using innovative software enables the choice of book reading groups to start from the individual reader and what he/she is reading groups looking for.
- Bookie - A small, free personal book manager. Software that literature can be used to organize and to search literature your books by ISBN, title, author, publisher, category.
- Book - UK site providing reviews and recommendations, a book literature group directory and forums.
- Book Clique Cafe - A directory with a variety of reading groups resources for most resources book genres.
- Book Movement - Offers tools for managing a book club, including resources reminder e-mails, literature a forum, and a library of resources reading guides.
- AOL Books - Bookclubs - Book news, reviews and guides for reading groups and book literature clubs.
- Reader's Circle - Book club networking directory with listings for local groups, author events, and phone chats.
- Canadian Book Clubs - Provides information on starting or joining a book reading groups club, sample discussion questions, tips, and a discussion reading groups forum. Register your book club for free or reading groups read about other clubs in Canada.
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