Widescreen Film Formats Filmmaking Movies

Information resource for those wishing to participate in a grassroots education effort. Flyers, brochures, petitions, and list of DVDs not in original aspect ratio.

    Top: Arts: Movies: Filmmaking: Film Formats


  • Widescreen Information Page - Movie screenshots illustrating the benefits of viewing films filmmaking in their original aspect ratios.
  • Letterbox Format Explanation - Images demonstrating the various formats in which movies are displayed.
  • The Swedish Widescreen Pages - History of different widescreen formats and disadvantages of pan-and-scan.
  • Widescreen vs. Pan & Scan - Images comparing the two formats.
  • Ryanwright.com - Flash animation demonstrating the pan-and-scan and letterbox processes.
  • In 70 mm - Newsletter about 70mm cinemas, films, history and technology.
  • The Letterbox and Widescreen Advocacy Page - Organization defending the visions and intentions of filmmakers. Aspect ratio filmmaking explanations, examples comparing images of widescreen and pan-and-scan versions of filmmaking many films, sound and video clips, and commentary.
  • Widescreen Advocate - Information resource for those wishing to participate in filmmaking a grassroots education effort. Flyers, brochures, petitions, and filmmaking list of DVDs not in original aspect ratio.
  • Hong Kong Fanatic: Intro to Widescreen - Images showing various aspect ratios, demonstrating letterbox, pan-and-scan, film formats and filmmaking open-matte formats, explaining anamorphic DVDs, and comparing film formats standard and filmmaking widescreen TVs.

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