Cinerama Bands and Artists Music
John Murphy's review of the album: "An excellent album from an underrated national treasure - who else could write a line like 'You need a paramour/someone to pluck your eyebrows for' and get away with it?"
Top: Arts: Music: Bands and Artists: C
See Also:
- Top/Regional/Europe/United Kingdom/Arts and Entertainment/Music
- Top/Arts/Music/Bands and Artists/W/Wedding Present, The
Editor's Picks:
Cinerama Official Website

- Disco Volante - John Murphy\\'s review of the album: "An excellent bands and artists album from an underrated national treasure - who bands and artists else could write a line like \\'You need bands and artists a paramour/someone to pluck your eyebrows for\\' and bands and artists get away with it?"
- Cinerama Chords, Tab and Lyrics - Chords and tablature from all of the band\\'s bands and artists c albums.
- Cinerama - Review of their career and recordings.
- Metacritic: Disco Volante - Multiple critic and user reviews for the album.
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