Cover Bands Bands and Artists Music

The official site of the Chicagoland party band, six veteran musicians playing classic rock favorites. Calendar, song list, pictures, and video clips.

    Top: Arts: Music: Bands and Artists: Cover Bands


  • Indigo - Philippines band. Photo, profile, and contact information.
  • Immigrant Band, The - Swedish cover band. Profile, pictures, gig dates, and bands and artists sound files.
  • Indian Summer - Blues/rock/reggae band on the Jersey Shore. MP3s, calendar, bands and artists and biographies available.
  • Impulse - Classic rock and dance band from Southwest Michigan. Gig schedule, band member profiles, and song list.
  • Impact - The official site of the Chicagoland party band, i six veteran cover bands musicians playing classic rock favorites. i Calendar, song list, pictures, cover bands and video clips.
  • In Pursuit - Classic light rock cover band based in New cover bands Jersey. Includes band profile, photos, audio samples, and cover bands booking information.
  • Incredible Vegetables, The - Swiss cover band. Includes show dates, photos, and a i video clip.

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