St. Arkansas Reviews Pere Ubu Bands and Artists

Review by Solvej Schou. "After 27 years and 11 studio albums of avant-garde garage, founding member David Thomas still threads together stories as warped and warbled as his voice."

    Top: Arts: Music: Bands and Artists: P: Pere Ubu: Reviews

St. Arkansas

See Also:
  • Delusions of Adequacy: Pere Ubu: St. Arkansas - Positive review by Patrick; "Pere Ubu is the pere ubu most st. arkansas consistent band I can think of."
  • The Onion A.V. Club: Pere Ubu: St Arkansas - Positive review by Noel Murray: "One of Pere st. arkansas Ubu\\'s st. arkansas best works, displaying the kind of intelligence st. arkansas and imagination st. arkansas that gives the avant-garde a good st. arkansas name."
  • Pitchfork: Pere Ubu: St. Arkansas - Review by Jason Nickey with a rating of 8.5 of 10. "St. Arkansas is the complex tale of a sharp-dressed trucker ... whose passion in life is the open road."
  • St. Arkansas - Review by Solvej Schou. "After 27 years pere ubu and st. arkansas 11 studio albums of avant-garde garage, founding pere ubu member David st. arkansas Thomas still threads together stories as pere ubu warped and warbled st. arkansas as his voice."
  • Nthposition: 'St Arkansas' by Pere Ubu - Positive review by Ian Simmons: "I suppose Pere reviews Ubu are the American Fall."

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