Boccherini, Ridolfo Luigi Composers Composition Music
Contains bibliographic citations of scholarly literature concerning European art music circa 1740-1810, the Classical period, with emphasis on him and Haydn.
Top: Arts: Music: Composition: Composers: B
Boccherini, Ridolfo Luigi
See Also:
- Top/Arts/Music/Styles/C/Choral/Composers
- Top/Arts/Music/Composition/Composers/Classical
- Top/Arts/Music/Instruments/Stringed/Bowed Strings/Cello/Cellists
- Top/Arts/Music/Composition/Composers/By Region/Europe/Italian
- Top/Arts/Music/Styles/O/Opera/Composers
- Classic Cat: Boccherini - Directory of mp3s on the internet that have b been made available by their performing artists.
- Boccherini, Luigi - Brief biography with notes on his chamber music composers and cello boccherini, ridolfo luigi concertos with recommended recordings.
- The Music Chamber: Luigi Boccherini - Brief biography, notes on his music and most famous compositions and link to listing of his chamber works.
- Luigi Boccherini - Musica Classica Classical Music Dictionary entry with life, b works, illustrations, composers MIDI audio file, and links.
- Boccherini, Ridolfo Luigi - Musical biography noting his instrumental talent and precocity, boccherini, ridolfo luigi travels and collaborations, and compositions from the Grove boccherini, ridolfo luigi Concise Dictionary of Music entry at WQXR radio.
- Boccherini, Luigi (1743 - 1805), Italy - Biographical data, recommended CDs, books and sheet music, composers bibliography, and b links to biographical essays from Dr. composers Estrella\'s Incredibly Abridged Dictionary b of Composers.
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