Big Bad Voodoo Daddy Bands and Artists Swing Jazz
Official site with news, band biographies, audio samples, lyrics, CDs and other merchandise, photos, mailing list, message board, schedule, tour journal.
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Big Bad Voodoo Daddy
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Editor's Picks:
Big Bad Voodoo Daddy

- Got Voodoo? - Tribute page with photos, discography, history, links, stories, big bad voodoo swing daddy and tour information.
- Swingin Kitty's House of Voodoo - Fan page. Biographies, history, photos, lyrics, links, big bad voodoo daddy message board, bulletin board.
- Let's Do the Voodoo Thingie! - An insane tribute to the band, including concert swing photos, reviews, and a Shrine to Dirk Shumaker.
- Big Bad Voodoo Daddy - Biography, photo gallery, news, discography, album reviews, and message board.
- Voodoo Cooties - Dedicated to the band, with pictures and commentary.
- Big Bad Voodoo Daddy by Tbone - A fan site with pictures and information on the band.
- Launch: Big Bad Voodoo Daddy - Contains biography, discography, articles, and interviews.
- The Kings of Swing - Fan site with photos, lyrics, instant messenger themes swing to download.
- Big Bad Voodoo Daddy by Swingkid 21 - Lyrics, news, biographies, pictures, and tour dates.
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