Magazines and E-zines Photography Arts
A bi-monthly publication dedicated to the art and craft of large format photography. Includes an overview of the current issue, subscription information, classifieds, submission guidelines, books of interest, and workshops.
Top: Arts: Photography
Magazines and E-zines
See Also:
- Photomag - Includes equipment reviews, techniques, photo assessments, competitions, news photography and information.
- Professional Photographer - Aimed at professional photographers, with interviews, gear reviews magazines and e-zines photography and legal and marketing resources.
- Black & White Photography - Magazine about Black and White, limited content. Users arts can only photography subscribe to the offline magazine.
- Inscape - Offers a mission statement, samples of articles, and magazines and e-zines subscription information.
- Nikon World - Official Nikon user magazine, with interviews, reviews, tips and image galleries.
- View Camera - A bi-monthly publication dedicated to the art and craft of arts large format photography. Includes an overview of the current issue, arts subscription information, classifieds, submission guidelines, books of interest, and workshops.
- SeeSaw - Fine art photography articles with photo-related essays, and photography interviews.
- Circle of Confusion - Canadian magazine focusing on the art of photography, magazines and e-zines with feature articles, reader letters and an archive magazines and e-zines of past issues
- Amateur Photographer Magazine - For buying and selling cameras, dealer listings, exhibition previews, book reviews, photo competitions, questions and answers, top photographers, readers\' pictures and digital imaging.
- foto8 - Photojournalism and documentary photography by professionals around the arts world.
- Photo District News - A resource for professional photographers. Includes subscription information, photography photography news, a gallery, classifieds, contests, and a photography directory.
- European Photography - Brief introduction to the magazine and the publisher. photography Subscriptions, prints for sale, forums, and links.
- Digital ImageMaker - Photography and camera tutorials, techniques and reviews site magazines and e-zines photography also covering printing, digital art, imaging business activities, magazines and e-zines photography and exhibitions and book reviews.
- Zoom - Europe\\'s fine photography magazine. Full portfolios, national focus articles, international exhibition calendar.
- DigitalPhoto - News and reviews from the world of photography. Includes new product releases.
- BlindSpot - Art photography magazine published three times a year. arts Subscription information as well as artist information and arts print editions for sale.
- Hoboken Almanac - A periodical dedicated to photography, including interviews, articles, photography and resource arts links.
- AP Landing - Aerial and commercial photography resource covering full scale, radio control and all forms of aerial photography. Includes forums and user galleries.
- Shutterbug - For photo enthusiasts and working professionals. Provides classifieds, arts industry updates, photography product previews, test reports, tips, links, arts how-to projects, and highlights photography of featured articles.
- Photography now - Quarterly publication and international online guide for photography magazines and e-zines magazines and e-zines and Video art.
- Photoreview - Home of the Australian photography magazine. Features gear magazines and e-zines arts reviews and tips.
- Photo Insider - Subscription and advertising information as well as a arts feature article.
- Photograph - Bi-monthly guide to fine art photography exhibits, dealers, photography and auctions magazines and e-zines in America.
- The Rangefinder - Provides photography instruction, advice, equipment reviews, discussions, an industry directory photography and classifieds.
- Capricious - Photography magazine based in New York featuring emerging photographic talent arts from all over the world. Site mirrors offline content.
- Blueeyes Magazine - Documentary photography magazine devoted to publishing new long-term photography project work.
- Ace Camera Photography Magazine - Has an international focus, publishing articles and photography magazines and e-zines from contributors around the world. Topics include new magazines and e-zines product reviews, how-to articles and photo-illustrated stories.
- LensWork - Focuses on photography and the creative process, with articles, interviews and portfolios.
- Photo Life - Canadian publication with photography news, a gallery, and a question and answer forum. [English and French]
- Source - Contemporary photography in Britain and Ireland. Includes the arts editorial page magazines and e-zines and contents of the current issue. arts Also includes an archive magazines and e-zines of articles, subscription information, arts a gallery of artists and links.
- Photo Techniques - Professional techniques for the darkroom, black and white, magazines and e-zines arts color, and alternative processes.
- Photo Answers - Combined site of UK based Practical Photography and arts Digital Photo photography magazines. Contains technique guides, camera reviews arts and a forum.
- Leica Fotografie International - Covers Leica cameras, photography techniques and well-known artists magazines and e-zines who work with Leica equipment.
- HotShoe - Info and photos from exhibitions, books, competitions, awards and galleries.
- Popular Photography - Offers product reviews, forums, how to\\'s, and features magazines and e-zines on photography. Also includes subscription information.
- Photographer's Forum - Quarterly photography publication for the professional photographer. Subscription arts information, contents of the current issue, and contests.
- CameraArts - Focuses on the art and craft of photography.
- Photo Trip USA - Features landscape photographers with an interest in the American West. arts [English, German, French, and Japanese]
- Kit & Caboodle - A selection of reader submitted photography and links to other photography photography magazines and photographers.
- Shots - Member-supported journal of black and white photography. Current issue, submission information and subscripition information.
- At-Edge - Fine art photography site, with content from the offline publication.
- PhotoMedia - Includes,editorials, industry news, a featured photographer, photography tips and subscription information. Published 3 times a year.
- Lens Culture - International contemporary photography: documentary, fine art, photojournalism, poetic, magazines and e-zines magazines and e-zines abstract, and street photography. Essays, criticism, photo book magazines and e-zines magazines and e-zines reviews, audio interviews with photographers. Extensive archives.
- Outdoor Photographer - Offers tips, camera and equipment reviews, and articles arts from the print magazine.
- Gomma - Showcases international photographers.
- Photoworks Magazine - Forum for British and International photography, showcasing established artists and photography emerging talents alongside reviews and critical writing on the medium. photography Published twice a year in April and October and distributed photography internationally.
- Portfolio - The catalogue of contemporary photography in Britain. Contains details of the back issues of the publication, subscription information, an artists\\' index, and a search facility to locate the name of writers or topics of interest.
- Pentax User Magazine - Table of contents, backissue and subscription details. Includes arts Pentax galleries, news, forums, classifieds, and a price arts list.
- Ag magazine - Journal featuring portfolios, critical writing, advice on photography arts technology, fine magazines and e-zines art printing and alternative processes.Published quarterly.
- British Journal of Photography Online - Presents news, galleries, job listings, and a discussion magazines and e-zines magazines and e-zines forum.
- Photography Technology - Provides news on the photography world with a photography digital emphasis. Includes \\'How To\\' tips, best of photography the webs photo sites, opportunities to buy products, photography driver and firmware download links. Monthly.
- Professional Photographer Magazine - Photographic and digital imaging equipment reviews, company updates, arts business management arts information, and profiles of photographers.
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