Signature Art ASCII Art Visual Arts
ASCII art which is used for signatures in email and other areas of the Net. A signature file should not be over 5 lines in length and in width it should be 72 characters or less. I find the best test is to try it in MS Notepad, it won't warp if it fits in Notepad.
Top: Arts: Visual Arts: ASCII Art
Signature Art
See Also:
Editor's Picks:

- Sven's Signature Collection - Collection of more than 150 ASCII signatures.
- Signature Files of jgs - Collection of Joan Stark's signatures.
- Coolsig - Signature files, mostly quotations, sorted by categories. Also has an ascii art email list to join from the site.
- Signature Museum - Variety of ASCII art collected by Menno Pieters.
- Esther's Signature File Collection - Collection of ASCII and text signatures. Collecting since around 1990.
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