Sales and Use Ta Tax Negotiation and Representation Accounting
Increases corporate profits by obtaining sales and use tax refunds for companies doing business in the Eastern and Midwestern United States.
Top: Business: Accounting: Tax Negotiation and Representation
Sales and Use Tax
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My Sales Tax

- Sales Tax Specialists Inc - Offers representation, training, and compliance services.
- Tax Management Services Inc. - Specialists in review and recovery of G.S.T., Provincial taxes and tax negotiation and representation customs duties for US and Canadian clients.
- Will Yancey, PhD, CPA - Sales and use tax audit statistical sampling expert. Maintains a tax negotiation and representation large accounting and business web directory.
- Sales Tax Advisors, Inc. - Consulting company designed to help businesses in every accounting industry deal tax negotiation and representation effectively with sales and use tax accounting issues.
- Thomson Tax Partners, LLC - Providing sales and use tax compliance solutions to companies of accounting all sizes nationwide.
- Sales Tax Specialists, Inc. - Tax consulting firm offering sales and use tax sales and use sales and use tax tax audit representation, training, compliance services, and tax savings sales and sales and use tax use tax strategies.
- Towe and Associates - Sales and use tax consultants in Indiana, Kentucky tax negotiation and tax negotiation and representation representation and Ohio.
- Tax Refund Consultants - Tax planning and refund experts specializing in reverse sales and use tax tax audits.
- Professional Tax Contracting Services - Sales and Use Tax compliance services including return sales and use sales and use tax tax preparation, and nexus studies.
- Ryan & Co. - Audit representation, refunds and sampling analysis. Links to state and local taxing authorities and resources.
- Pepe State Tax Consulting - Florida tax consultant who handles sales and use sales and use tax taxes, intangible taxes, documentary stamp taxes, and telecommunication sales and use tax taxes.
- Olivier & Associates - Serving a variety of clientele who face a sales and use sales and use tax tax range of Sales and Use Tax issues.
- CITTA - Non-income tax consulting benefits described by industry or tax negotiation and sales and use tax representation type of service.
- Salis Inc. - Providing transactional tax compliance services, including sales and accounting use tax tax negotiation and representation return preparation, filing and remittance; exemption accounting certificate collection, validation and tax negotiation and representation management.
- AlternaDev - Providing web-based transactional sales and use tax compliance tax negotiation and tax negotiation and representation representation software solution.
- Labhart Miles Consulting Group - Assistance in identifying, quantifying and securing current or accounting retroactive tax sales and use tax benefits to which your company is accounting entitled.
- Price Waterhouse Coopers, Sales and Use Taxes - Major international accounting and consulting firm.
- Baker, Shore and Associates Ltd. - New York and Canada sales and use tax sales and use tax consultants.
- Sales Tax Specialists of Texas - Sales tax review and audit defense. Offers businesses tax negotiation and accounting representation strategies for sales tax savings.
- Advocate Aircraft Taxation Company - Tax consulting services and planning to lawfully avoid taxes imposed on aircraft purchases and operations.
- Sales Tax Resource Group - California sales tax consulting firm specializing in audit accounting representation, nexus tax negotiation and representation and taxability studies, training, due diligence.
- Roger Alley and Doyle Byrd, CPA - Over 40 years experience as State Sales Tax accounting Auditors with the Tennessee Department of Revenue. Find accounting overpayments of Sales and Use Tax and Franchise accounting and Excise Taxes.
- Brendan Moore - Offers Canadian sales tax management and recovery services accounting to complex tax negotiation and representation Canadian businesses and to foreign companies accounting doing business in Canada. tax negotiation and representation Outlines services and accounting profiles key staff.
- International Sales Tax Refund Corp. - Worldwide VAT refund claim services for companies incurring sales and use accounting tax travel expenses for accommodations, trade shows, conventions and sales and accounting use tax conferences.
- CTS & Associates - Experts at identifying refund opportunities in sales tax GST, PST, sales and use tax employer health tax, payroll taxes, VAT, duty, freight and brokerage.
- Kuhler and Associates - Specializing in the recovery of state Sales and Use Taxes to Fortune 1000 companies.
- Pegasus Financial Consultants, LLC - Increases corporate profits by obtaining sales and use tax refunds tax negotiation and representation for companies doing business in the Eastern and Midwestern United tax negotiation and representation States.
- Associated Sales Tax Consultants - A professional tax consulting firm dedicated to providing innovative, in-depth tax negotiation and representation solutions to sales and use tax problems.
- Sales Tax Group - Consultants with experience in the private and sales and use accounting tax public sector.
- Admiral Consulting - A tax solutions provider that helps companies minimize accounting state and local tax obligations and maximize tax accounting recovery through real estate, personal property and sales accounting and use tax assessments.
- Cost Segregation Company, LLC. - Consulting in cost segregation, sales and use tax sales and use tax studies, property tax studies, and appraisal services.
- Tax Recovery Services - Specializing in the recovery of overpayments in GST, tax negotiation and tax negotiation and representation representation RST, QST for medium to large organizations.
- DuCharme, McMillen & Associates - Tax consultanting firm focusing on State and Local sales and accounting use.
- KPMG, State and Local Tax - Major international accounting and consulting firm.
- The SALT Group - One of the largest state and local tax sales and use tax advisory companies in the industry.
- Yetter Consulting Services, Inc. - Focused exclusively on sales, use and miscellaneous state and local tax negotiation and representation transaction taxes. Home of Sales Tax Institute.
- Peisner Johnson & Company, L.L.P. - Texas CPA firm focused solely on state and local tax accounting consulting.
- Deloitte and Touche, Sales and Use - Major international accounting and consulting firm.
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