Breeders Katahdin Breeds Sheep
Top: Business: Agriculture and Forestry: Livestock: Sheep: Breeds: Katahdin
- Good Earth Organic Farm Katahdins - Includes prices, pictures, and information about Katahdins. Located in Celeste, katahdin Texas.
- The Vegetable Cart - Breeder of purebred Katahdin Hair Sheep. Also, fresh produce and breeders hand-made soap for sale. Located in Elgin, TX, USA.
- Montana Katahdin Sheep - Registered and commercial Katahdin sheep and guard dogs. Located breeders in southeastern MT.
- Sabins Farm - Breeders of Katahdin sheep, meat goats, and llamas. katahdin Located in katahdin south eastern Ontario, Canada.
- Wieowen Farm - The Wiegers farm, located in central Missouri, breeds is the breeds home of a large flock of breeds Katahdin Hair Sheep and breeds a crossbred beef herd breeds called "Baby Blues". Sheep are breeds for sale breeds year 'round.
- Mish Katahdin's CKSA Registered Sheep - CKSA registered Katahdin breeding stock. Home of the breeds 2004 Reserve breeders Grand Champion Ewe and Ram and breeds the 2005 Grand Champion breeders Ewe at the Canadian breeds Western Agribition Show and Sale. Located breeders in Glenavon, breeds Saskatchewan, Canada.
- Chapman's Katahdin Corner - The Chapman family offer information about Katahdins and breeders show photographs breeders of their flock. Located in breeders Sioux Falls, South Dakaota.
- Saskatchewan Katahdin Sheep Association - Information on raising hair sheep, meat analysis, members\\' breeds websites, and breeds sheep for sale.
- Case Katahdins - Specializing in purebred Katahdin Hair Sheep as breeds well as katahdin Suffolk and Texel cross breeding breeds stock. Five-time high katahdin point winner Missouri State breeds Fair. Located in Hartsburg, MO, USA.
- Burke Farm - Burke Farm, home to Registered Katahdin Hair Sheep and a breeders herd of Boer Meat Goats. Burke Farm is located breeders 15 miles from Uniontown,PA. and 15 miles from Morgantown, WV.
- Faxter Sheep Farm - Purebred registered Katahdin breeding stock and freezer lambs for sale. breeders Located in Hanover, Ontario, Canada.
- Red Barn Katahdin Farm - Information and photos of Katahdin Hair Sheep and katahdin Katahdin lambs. breeders Located in Manley, IA, USA.
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