Auctions, Brokerages and Classifieds Tools and Equipment Arts and Entertainment

Links buyers and sellers of professional audio equipment. Specialists in liquidating manufacturers' discontinued inventory and pre-owned inventory from pro-sound companies and recording studios.

    Top: Business: Arts and Entertainment: Tools and Equipment

Auctions, Brokerages and Classifieds

  • - Links buyers and sellers of professional audio equipment. arts and entertainment Specialists in liquidating manufacturers\\' discontinued inventory and pre-owned arts and entertainment inventory from pro-sound companies and recording studios.
  • BigScreenBiz.Com - Entertainment industry equipment and related services auctions, classifieds, arts and entertainment tools and equipment and forums.
  • Bob Kelly and Company - Buying and selling loudspeaker systems and mixing consoles worldwide.
  • Light and Sound Trader - Classifieds ads for the buying and selling of tools and equipment arts and entertainment used DJ, band, stage, club lighting and pro tools and equipment arts and entertainment sound equipment.
  • Ocean Audio Inc. - Buyer and seller of used audio and stereo equipment, film equipment, outboard gear, microphones, tape recorders, and consoles.

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