Brokers Public Rooms Videoconferencing AudioVisual

A Videoconference Public Room Broker is an independent business that maintains a list of qualified Videoconference Public Rooms, and makes arrangements for point-to-point or multi-point videoconferences for a fee for client. A Videoconference Public Room Broker is a business that does NOT own, build or supply equipment or services such as bridging or proprietary network, or network management to a videoconference Public Room, or rooms as it's principal business.

    Top: Business: Business Services: AudioVisual: Videoconferencing: Public Rooms


  • Connexus - Videoconference public rental room broker.
  • Adcom - Public videoconferencing room broker in Canada.
  • The Videoconferencing Centre - Worldwide videoconferencing meeting rooms - specialising in Australia, New Zealand brokers and Asia Pacific region.
  • The Video Conference Source - Online booking service based out of France for reserving video brokers conference rooms and facilities worldwide.
  • Affinity - Public videoconference room broker with locations worldwide.
  • Proximity - Videoconferencing services including public access to over 3,500 public rooms rooms public rooms worldwide.
  • EyeNetwork - Public videoconferencing booking service and videoconference bureau directory.
  • StandByVideo - Videoconference rooms booked by paralegals and executive recruiters.

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