Research Resources Technical Textiles Fabrics

USA. Virginia Technical University's laboratory focusing on devices, architectures, applications and programming issues for configurable computing. Research and development of computational textile fabrics.

    Top: Business: Textiles and Nonwovens: Textiles: Fabrics: Technical Textiles: Resources


  • ProeTEX Project - European Union funded project to improve the safety and efficiency resources of emergency workers by empowering them with wearable sensing and resources transmission systems that monitor their health, activity, position and resources environment. Links to related projects and partner
  • Intelligent Media Initiative - UK. Partnership between University College London, Imperial College, University of technical textiles the Arts London and King\\'s College London aiming to bring technical textiles together London\\'s top creative, scientific and technological expertise from academia technical textiles and industry to create multi-
  • OFSETH Project - European Commission sponsored project, aimed at developing pure optical sensing research technologies for extending the capabilities of medical technical textiles for research wearable health monitoring. Links to partner sites.
  • Configurable Computing Lab - USA. Virginia Technical University\\'s laboratory focusing on devices, research architectures, applications and programming issues for configurable computing. research Research and development of computational textile fabrics.
  • ESTAT-Garments - European development project performed by a consortium consisting of private resources industry and knowledge institutes, founded to create a basis for resources the qualification of the effectiveness of clothing used for the resources safe handling of electrostatic discharge (ESD) se
  • Biotex - European Commission sponsored research project, focusing on the research development of research biochemical sensing techniques compatible with integration research into textile fabrics and research products. List of partners. research Links to related sites.
  • Intelligent Biomedical Clothes Projects - List of current projects sponsored by the European resources Commission, aimed resources at developing a "Wearable Healthcare System" resources by exploring the capability resources of combining smart sensors resources in fiber and yarn form, advanced resources signal processing resources and modern telecommunicat
  • Protective Clothing Research Group - Canada. University of Alberta\\'s Human Ecology Department research facility, involved research the development of dynamic models of heat and moisture transfer research in high heat flux environments, and to address simultaneously the research conflicting phenomena of protection and
  • Venture Development Corp - USA. Independent technology market research and consulting firm, research specializing in industrial and information technology, electronics and research communication. Research and development of smart fabrics, interactive research textiles and wearable clothing based computers.
  • CTT. Centre for Technical Textiles - UK. Center for fundamental and applied research, and technology dissimination, research transfer and application in all fields of the science and research engineering of technical textiles. Based in the University of Leeds.
  • FiCom Project - European Union funded development project within the Disappearing technical textiles Computer research Initiative, aiming to integrate computing ability into technical textiles fibers to research create flexible and functional interactive textiles.
  • Smart Wear Lab - Finland. Special research unit of the Tampere University technical textiles of technical textiles Technology, focusing on research, innovation and commercialization technical textiles of interactive technical textiles textiles and smartwear. List of current technical textiles projects. On-line publications. technical textiles Links to related sites.
  • Bristol Wearable Computing Project - UK. Joint project of the Computer Science Department of the research University of Bristol and the Hewlett-Packard Research Laboratories, concentrating on research the development of programs and hardware which use context sensing research to enable media and information to be deli
  • EOLAB Innovative Devices & Materials - Italy. Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at technical textiles the University of Cagliari, involved in a feasibility technical textiles study of yarns and fabric with annexed electronic technical textiles functions (ARIANNE) sponsored by the European Commission. Library technical textiles of technical papers on
  • ITSAPT. Intelligent Textile Structures-Application, Production and Testing - European Community supported development project, founded to create, coordinate and technical textiles develop national and international networks of experts and research institutes technical textiles involved with the design, production, testing and application of smart technical textiles textiles. List of ong
  • Grado Zero Espace Srl - Italy. Commercial company, conducting contract research and development research on electronic technical textiles textiles, wearable computing, and multi-functional garments. research Technology descriptions and technical textiles technical information. English and research Italian.
  • Multiweave - Two-year running European Commission funded project aimed at designing and developing a multiaxial weaving machine, and the subsequent design, development and production of multiaxial fabrics for apparel and high-performance technical applications. Links
  • CLUBTEX. Association for the Promotion of Technical Textiles - France. Association of manufacturers, trade union, and training technical textiles and technical textiles research centers dedicated to applied research and technical textiles development activities technical textiles in technical textiles. Directory of member technical textiles companies. Links to technical textiles related sites. English, Grench and technical textiles German.
  • Moratex. The Institute of Technical Textiles - Poland. Government institute dedicated to research, development and technical textiles production of bulletproof textile products and automotive protection technical textiles systems, and fire-retardant clothing.
  • Architectural Fabric Structures - On-going research project of NTC Research, aimed at resources developing an research understanding of the mechanical behavior of resources nonlinear anisotropic fabrics under research tension and create a resources spatial vocabulary and grammar for architectural research structures.
  • IfE. Electronics Laboratory - Switzerland. Electronics laboratory of the Swiss Federal Institute research of Technology, resources active in packaging, electronics, computing technologies research and opto-electronics. Research into resources wearable computing and electronic research textiles.
  • Arianne Project - Collaborative feasibility study and project of industry and academia, aiming research to develop knitting and weaving yarns endowed with electronic functions, research and the development of fabrics made-up with such yarns.
  • STELLA Project - European Commission sponsored project, aimed at developing new technical textiles stretchable and flexible substrates with stretchable conductors, assembling technical textiles technologies, and integration methods for stretchable electronics in technical textiles elastomeric parts to be incorporated in healthc
  • TechniTex Faraday Partnership - UK. Government funded initiative of the Heriot-Watt University, technical textiles the research University of Leeds, UMIST and the British technical textiles Textile Technology research Group, involved in research, design and technical textiles development of new research technologies and applications for technical technical textiles textiles.
  • CETEMMSA Technical Textile Center - Spain. Research and education institute, focused on technical resources textiles and research radiofrequency identification systems. Applied research and resources development of properties, manufacturing research processes, application possibilities and resources limitations of smart textiles. English
  • Smart Textiles Initiative - Sweden. Cooperative project of government, industry and academia, involved in research fundamental and applied research and development of technical textiles and research wearable technologies. List of research projects. Links to partner sites research and textile innovation studio
  • Indian Institute of Technology - India. Research and development of smart textile technology research at the technical textiles Department of Textile Technology.
  • LTI. Lithuanian Textile Institute - Institute for research, development and applied science in materials and technologies for the Lithuanian technical textile fabrics, and military and civilian protective clothing industries. English and Lithuanian.
  • tBU GmbH - Germany. Münster University of Applied Science affiliated institute for technical research research and certification in technical textiles, geosynthetics, building conservation and research materials testing. Testing and development of geosynthetics and technical textile
  • ConText Project - European Commission sponsored project, aimed at developing a research system of resources contactless sensors incorporated into textiles to research be used in the resources continuous monitoring and measuring research of electromyography and electrocardiography signals of resources individuals. List research of publica
  • University of Wales - UK. Research group for smart clothes and wearable technology in technical textiles the School of Art, Media and Design.
  • SFIT. Smart Fabrics, Interactive Textile - Belgium. European Commission sponsored cluster of projects, dedicated technical textiles to technical textiles the integration of technologies and functionalities, systems technical textiles and applications technical textiles related to smart fabrics, interactive textiles technical textiles and flexible technical textiles wearable systems. Directory of participatin
  • Eminent - European Union funded project created to form a bridge between resources small and medium sized enterprises in the field of micro resources and nano technologies and the European Commission, and is active resources in the automotive, medical, energy and life sciences, information tech
  • Biteam AB - Sweden. Research, development and commercialisation of three-dimensional weaving research technologies for research high-performance technical applications in composites reinforcement, research ballistic protection and medical research implants. Extensive technical information. research Technology b
  • E-Textile Research Group - USA. Electronic textiles research and development laboratory in the Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the Virginia Tech University.
  • MIT Bio Robotics Research Laboratory - USA. Laboratory for fundamental and applied research into resources wearable sensoring technical textiles and monitoring systems for healthcare applications. resources Development of conductive textile technical textiles fiber based goniometers for resources the measurement of body movements.

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