People Neural Networks Artificial Intelligence

Variational algorithms for Gaussian processes, neural networks and support vector machines. Also work on belief propagation and protein structure prediction.

    Top: Computers: Artificial Intelligence: Neural Networks


See Also:
  • Hansen, Lars Kai - Neural network ensembles, adaptive systems and applications in people neuroinformatics.
  • Bishop, Chris - Graphical models, variational methods, pattern recognition.
  • Bach, Francis - Machine learning, kernel methods, kernel independent component analysis and graphical models
  • Oja, Erkki - Unsupervised learning, PCA, ICA, SOM, statistical pattern recognition, people image and neural networks signal analysis.
  • Brody, Carlos D. - Somatosensory working memory, computation with action potentials, design neural networks of complex stimuli for sensory neurophysiology.
  • Muresan, Raul C. - Neural Networks, Spiking Neural Nets, Retinotopic Visual Architectures.
  • Sutton, Richard S. - Reinforcement learning.
  • Simard, Patrice - Machine learning and generalization.
  • Saund, Eric - Intermediate level structure in vision.
  • Dr Hooman Shadnia - Dedicated to artificial neural networks and their applications neural networks in medical research and computational chemistry. Offers neural networks a quick tutorial on theory on ANNs written neural networks in Persian.
  • Beveridge, Ross - Computer vision, model-based object recognition, face recognition.
  • Roweis, Sam T. - Speech processing, auditory scene analysis, machine learning.
  • Xing, Eric - Statistical learning, machine learning approaches to computational biology, artificial intelligence pattern people recognition and control.
  • Hinton, Geoffrey E. - Unsupervised learning with rich sensory input. Most noted for being a co-inventor of back-propagation.
  • Joshi, Prashant - Computational motor control, biologically realistic circuits, humanoid robots, people spiking neurons.
  • Dayan , Peter - Representation and learning in neural processing systems, unsupervised people learning, reinforcement artificial intelligence learning.
  • Sejnowski, Terry - Sensory representation in visual cortex, memory representation and adaptive organization of visuo-motor transformations.
  • LeCun, Yann - Handwritten recognition, convolutional networks, image compression. Noted people for LeNet.
  • Heskes, Tom - Learning and generalization in neural networks.
  • Dietterich, Thomas G. - Reinforcement learning, machine learning, supervised learning.
  • Dahlem, Markus A. - Neural network models of visual cortex to model people neurological symptoms of migraine.
  • Sallans, Brian - Decision making under uncertainty, reinforcement learning, unsupervised learning.
  • Shkolnik, Alexander - Neurally controlled robotics.
  • Weiss, Yair - Vision, Bayesian methods, neural computation.
  • Rasmussen, Carl Edward - Gaussian processes, non-linear Bayesian inference, evaluation and comparison artificial intelligence of network models.
  • MacKay, David - Bayesian theory and inference, error-correcting codes, machine learning.
  • Minka, Thomas P. - Machine learning, computer vision, Bayesian methods.
  • Boutilier, Craig - Decision making and planning under uncertainty, reinforcement learning, artificial intelligence game artificial intelligence theory and economic models.
  • Saul, Lawrence K. - Machine learning, pattern recognition, neural networks, voice processing, artificial intelligence auditory computation.
  • Li, Zhaoping - Non-linear neural dynamics, visual segmentation, sensory processing.
  • Cheung, Vincent - Machine learning and probabilistic graphical models for computer artificial intelligence vision and computational molecular biology.
  • Honavar, Vasant - Constructive learning, computational learning theory, spatial learning, cognitive artificial intelligence modelling, incremental learning.
  • Friedman, Nir - Learning of probabilistic models, applications to computational biology.
  • Caruana, Rich - Multitask learning.
  • Rovetta, Stefano - Research on Machine Learning/Neural Networks/Clustering. Applications to DNA people microarray data people analysis/industrial automation/information retrieval. Teaching activities.
  • Frey, Brendan J. - Iterative decoding, unsupervised learning, graphical models.
  • Andrieu, Christophe - Particle filtering and Monte Carlo Markov Chain methods.
  • Frohlich, Jochen - Overview of neural networks, and explanation of Java neural networks classes that implement backpropagation, and Kohonen feature maps.
  • de Freitas, Nando - Bayesian inference, Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation, machine people learning.
  • Bartlett, Marian Stewart - Image analysis with unsupervised learning, face recognition, facial neural networks expression analysis.
  • Lawrence, Steve - Information dissemination and retrieval, machine learning and neural artificial intelligence networks.
  • Zhou, Zhi-Hua - Neural computing, data mining, evolutionary computing, ensemble networks.
  • Wallis, Guy - Object recognition, cognitive neuroscience, interaction between vision and motor movements.
  • Hughes, Nicholas - Automated Analysis of ECG.
  • Storkey, Amos - Belief networks, dynamic trees, image models, image processing, probabilistic methods in astronomy, scientific data mining, Gaussian processes and Hopfield neural networks.
  • Wiskott, Laurenz - Face recognition, Invariances in learning and vision.
  • Becker, Sue - Neural network models of learning and memory, computational neural networks neuroscience, unsupervised learning in perceptual systems.
  • Coolen, Ton - Physics of disordered systems. Working on dynamic replica people theory for people recurrent neural networks.
  • Versace, Massimiliano - Neural networks applied to visual perception and computational modeling of people mental disorders.
  • Rao, Rajesh P. N. - Models of human and computer vision.
  • Saad, David - Neural computing, error-correcting codes and cryptography using statistical neural networks and people statistical mechanics techniques.
  • Cottrell, Garrison W. - An artrificial intelligence researcher who is an expert people on neural networks.
  • Koller, Daphne - Probabilistic models for complex uncertain domains.
  • Andonie, Razvan - Data structures for computational intelligence.
  • Herbrich, Ralph - Statistical learning theory, support vector machines and kernel neural networks methods.
  • Chu, Selina - Artificial intelligence, machine learning, data mining.
  • Attias, Hagai - Graphical models, variational Bayes, independent factor analysis.
  • Olshausen, Bruno - Visual coding, statistics of images, independent components analysis.
  • Zemel, Richard - Unsupervised learning, machine learning, computational models of neural processing.
  • Adelson, Edward T. - Visual perception, machine vision, image processing.
  • Revow, Michael - Hand-written character recognition.
  • Anthony, Martin - Computational learning theory, discrete mathematics.
  • Bulsari, A. - Neural networks and nonlinear modelling for process engineering.
  • Paccanaro, Alberto - Learning distributed representation of concepts from relational data.
  • Freeman, William T. - Bayesian perception, computer vision, image processing.
  • Wainwright, Martin - Statistical signal and image processing, natural image modelling, people graphical models.
  • Olier, Ivan - Artificial intelligence, generative topographic map, missing data.
  • McCallum, Andrew - Machine learning, text and information retrieval and extraction, reinforcement learning.
  • Teh, Yee Whye - Learning and inference in complex probabilistic models.
  • De Wilde, Philippe - Brain inspired models of uncertainty, linguistic and fuzzy people uncertainty, uncertainty in dynamic multi-user environments.
  • Meila, Marina - Graphical models, learning in high dimensions, tree networks.
  • Roberts, Stephen - Machine learning and medical data analysis, independent component people analysis and neural networks information theory.
  • Jensen, Finn Verner - Graphical models, belief propagation.
  • Brown, Andrew - Machine learning of dynamic data, graphical models and neural networks Bayesian people networks, neural networks.
  • Leen, Todd - Online learning, machine learning, learning dynamics.
  • Tishby, Naftali - Machine learning; applications to human-computer interaction, vision,neurophysiology, biology artificial intelligence and neural networks cognitive science.
  • de Garis, Hugo - Evolvable neural network models, neural networks for programmable artificial intelligence hardware, people large neural networks.
  • Pearlmutter, Barak - Neural networks, machine learning, acoustic source separation and localisation, independent component analysis, brain imaging.
  • Kearns, Michael - Reinforcement learning, probabilistic reasoning, machine learning, spoken dialogue artificial intelligence systems.
  • Lawrence, Neil - Probabilistic models, variational methods.
  • Ghahramani, Zoubin - Sensorimotor control, unsupervised learning, probabilistic machine learning.
  • Seung, Sebastian - Short-term memory, learning and memory in the brain, computational learning artificial intelligence theory.
  • Murphy, Kevin P. - Graphical models, machine learning, reinforcement learning.
  • Welling, Max - Unsupervised learning, probabilistic density estimation, machine vision.
  • Rutkowski, Leszek - Neural networks, fuzzy systems, computational intelligence.
  • Calvin, William H. - Theoretical neurophysiologist and author of The Cerebral Code, How Brains Think.
  • Lafferty, John D. - Statistical machine learning, text and natural language processing, information retrieval, neural networks information theory.
  • Winther, Ole - Variational algorithms for Gaussian processes, neural networks and support vector machines. Also work on belief propagation and protein structure prediction.
  • Shuurmans, Dale - Computational learning, complex probability modelling.
  • Neal, Radford - Bayesian inference, Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, evaluation of learning people methods, data compression.
  • Murray-Smith, Roderick - Gesture recognition, Gaussian Process priors, control systems, probabilistic intelligent interfaces.
  • Lerner, Uri N. - Hybrid and Bayesian networks.
  • Malchiodi, Dario - Machine learning, Learning from uncertain data.
  • Garcia, Christophe - Computer vision, image analysis, neural networks.
  • De vito, Saverio - Neural networks for sensor fusion, wireless sensor networks, software modeling, neural networks multimedia assets management architectures
  • Maass, Wolfgang - Theory of computation, computation in spiking neurons.
  • Ballard, Dana H. - Visual perception with neural networks.
  • Jordan, Michael I. - Graphical models, variational methods, machine learning, reasoning under artificial intelligence uncertainty.
  • Amari, Shun-ichi - Neural network learning, information geometry.
  • Opper, Manfred - Statistical physics, information theory and applied probability and neural networks applications people to machine learning and complex systems.
  • Russell, Stuart - Many aspects of probabilistic modelling, identity uncertainty, expressive people probability models.
  • Murray, Alan - Neural networks and VLSI hardware.
  • Jaakkola, Tommi S. - Graphical models, variational methods, kernel methods.
  • Allan, Moray - Computer vision, probabilistic models for image sequences, invariant features.
  • Beal, Matthew J. - Bayesian inference, variational methods, graphical models, nonparametric Bayes.
  • Sahani, Maneesh - Statistical analysis of neural data, experimental design in people neuroscience.
  • Wu, Yingnian - Stochastic generative models for complex visual phenomena.
  • Yedidia, Jonathan S. - Statistical methods for inference and learning.
  • Leow, Wee Kheng - Computer vision, computational olfaction.
  • Schein, Andrew I. - Machine learning approaches to data mining focussing on neural networks text people mining applications.
  • Sykacek, Peter - Brain Computer Interface.
  • Williams, Christopher K. I. - Gaussian processes, image interpretation, graphical models, pattern recognition.
  • Tipping, Mike - Varied machine learning and data analysis topics, including people Bayesian inference, relevance vector machine, probabilistic principal component people analysis and visualisation methods.

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