Software Artificial Life Computers

A web-oriented artificial-life site: Alife, genetic-algorithm and cellular-automata experiments written in cross-platform web languages (Java, tcl/tk), with free source code.

    Top: Computers: Artificial Life


See Also:
  • Chaco the Chaos Collection - A collection of small tools for Chaos Modelling, artificial life based artificial life on ideas of Life game, Tierra and artificial life others.
  • Archis Evolutionary System Simulator - An artificial life simulator project that can also function as computers a genetic programming system. Written in Java with a computers graphical interface.
  • BugBots - BugBots is a game, sort of. Really it\\'s artificial life a computers project in Artificial Intelligence, and Object Oriented artificial life Design with computers heavy abstraction.
  • Flocking Experiment - Two flocks of birds migrating to different locations computers flock together software before splitting apart.
  • Artificial Life on the Web - A web-oriented artificial-life site: Alife, genetic-algorithm computers and cellular-automata experiments written in cross-platform web languages computers (Java, tcl/tk), with free source code.
  • Java Fish - An aquarium simulation written in Java. The program computers uses neural artificial life networks for all of the fish computers being simulated, and the artificial life fish are artificially evolved computers from random starting information.
  • Darwinbots - A free artificial life program running under Windows. software Similar to C-Robots with a biological bent, software where the robots mutate and evolve over time.
  • Physis - Physis is a software platform for testing the artificial life evolvability artificial life of different assembly-like programming languages.
  • PS-I - A sourceforge project for an environment for creating computers and running artificial life agent-based models. Tcl/Tk scriptable, cross-platform (Windows computers and Linux/Unix).
  • Kasprzyk's ALife Page - Artificial Life for the Macintosh.
  • Life Simulation Game - An artificial world of lifeforms which eat, move and reproduce. artificial life Each species is controlled by a program, and you artificial life can write your own lifeforms.
  • Electric Sheep Screen-saver - Electric Sheep realizes the collective dream of sleeping computers computers from artificial life all over the internet. Free; computers Linux, MacOS X.
  • Manna Mouse - Exploration of fitness landscapes.
  • The Breve Simulation Environment - MacOSX software for simulation of artificial life and decentralized systems.
  • Artificial Life by Jpr - Introduction to artificial life. Each chapter is illustrated computers by a computers program or an applet. Chapters are computers available in PDF.
  • Applets for Neural Network and Artificial Life - A list of programs using alife type techniques artificial life (English/Japanese).

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