Basic Editors Editors Tools XML
Tools that just provide Basic XML Editing facilities i.e. - XML Tree views
Top: Computers: Data Formats: Markup Languages: XML: Tools: Editors
Basic Editors
- XMLmind XML Editor - XXE, for short, is a full-fledged XML 1.0 tools editor featuring a word processor-like view (CSS2 styled). tools It has been created to make technical persons tools comfortable and productive at editing XML documents and tools XML data. [Open Source]
- Peters XML Editor - A XML editor with syntax highlighting and customizable basic editors source tools view. Supports code-templates and auto complete. Ability basic editors to add, tools edit and delete Elements,Attributes,Text, CDATA sections,Comments, basic editors and Processing Instruction. tools This program does not yet basic editors fully U
- epcEdit - Validating XML/SGML document editor for Windows, Linux, and Solaris. [Freeware basic editors - soon to be Open Source]
- XML:Wrench - Windows editor and tools for XML and other tools file formats. Includes tools for validation, importing from tools HTML, and transforming using XSL(T) [Freeware]
- XMLBlueprint XML Editor - XML editor and validator of XML documents, DTDs, basic editors Relax editors NG Schemas and XML Schemas. Provides XSLT basic editors transformation and editors preview in built-in browser. Unicode support basic editors [Commercial]
- XML Notepad - Provides a simple intuitive user interface for browsing tools and editing tools XML documents [Freeware]
- XMLEditPro - A free xml editor designed to be a basic editors very tools simple editing tool for xml documents [Freeware]
- Open XML Editor - Text-based XML editor for the Windows platform. It includes a editors built-in XML wellformedness tester and DTD validator. [Open Source]
- XML Cooktop - Environment for authoring, editing, and testing XSLT style editors sheets, XML editors documents, DTDs, and XPATHs (Cooktop is editors no longer being developed editors - Last Update 2002) editors [Freeware]
- nXml mode - An addon for GNU Emacs that uses Relax tools NG as basic editors its schema language and allows continuous tools validation and completion. Overview, basic editors download, mailing list, and tools links to support information.
- XMLWriter - A validating XML text editor for Windows that tools supports XML, editors XSL, DTD, CSS, and HTML files. tools [Shareware]
- Antenna House XML Editor 3.2 - The Antenna House XML Editor 3.2 is a software application tools that combines two tools. One is for editing XML documents. tools The other is a parsing application, which verifies if an tools XML document and DTD is correct by comparing it with tools the XML specification. It s
- XED - Text-based non-validating XML editor for Windows, UNIX [Freeware]
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