Blinkies Animated GIFs Free Web

    Top: Computers: Graphics: Web: Free: Animated GIFs


  • Mel's Blinkie Swap - Blinkie blocks, and banners free to adopt.
  • Riki's Blinkies - Free to use them no link back is necessary.
  • Xandorras Blinkie Swap - Free to use no link back is necessary, animated gifs and free links to other blinkaholics.
  • Animation Patch - Avatars and blinkies, and a blinkie maker.
  • The Johnson's Homepage - Tutorial on making blinkies, and downloads to use on websites free or as signatures. Custom requests accepted.
  • Lisa's Blinkie Obsession - Blinkie templates, and links to other related sites.
  • Blinkie Land - Offering blinkies, tutorials using Paint Shop Pro, Animation blinkies Shop, Photo Impact and GIF Animator. Message board, blinkies chat and links. Information on joining the MSN blinkies group.
  • Boston's Jewel - Free blinkies and webpage stickers some are animated.
  • Attitudez and Blinkiez - Collection of blinkies.
  • Kutekitten - Web based blinkie maker.
  • Robotica Blinkies - Blinkies to use in signatures.
  • Intensity Blinkies - Free for signatures, and blinkie collecting sites.
  • Smidget Creations - Original blinkie creations in medium, teenies, and large animated gifs sizes many with sayings. All where created with animated gifs PSP 8.
  • Yummie Lil Blinkies - Hand created and a collection of swapped ones free available. If blinkies using more than four a link free back is required.

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