0901 - 1000 RFCs Internet

    Top: Computers: Internet: RFCs

0901 - 1000

  • RFC 0966 - Host Groups: A Multicast Extension to the Internet rfcs Protocol. S.E. 0901 - 1000 Deering, D.R. Cheriton. December 1985.
  • RFC 0944 - Official ARPA-Internet Protocols. J.K. Reynolds, J. Postel. April 1985.
  • RFC 0903 - Reverse Address Resolution Protocol. R. Finlayson, T. Mann, 0901 - 1000 internet J.C. Mogul, et al. June 1984.
  • RFC 0982 - Guidelines for the Specification of the Structure of internet the Domain rfcs Specific Part (DSP) of the ISO internet Standard NSAP Address. H.W. rfcs Braun. April 1986.
  • RFC 0972 - Password Generator Protocol. F.J. Wancho. January 1986.
  • RFC 0930 - Telnet Terminal Type Option. M. Solomon, E. Wimmers. rfcs January 1985.
  • RFC 0987 - Mapping Between X.400 and RFC 822. S.E. Kille. internet June 1986.
  • RFC 0927 - TACACS User Identification Telnet Option. B.A. Anderson. December internet 1984.
  • RFC 0978 - Voice File Interchange Protocol (VFIP). J.K. Reynolds, R. internet Gillman, W.A. Brackenridge, et al. February 1986.
  • RFC 0981 - Experimental Multiple-Path Routing Algorithm. D.L. Mills. March 1986.
  • RFC 0945 - DoD Statement on the NRC Report. J. Postel. 0901 - 1000 0901 - 1000 May 1985.
  • RFC 0990 - Assigned Numbers. J.K. Reynolds, J. Postel. November 1986.
  • RFC 0991 - Official ARPA-Internet Protocols. J.K. Reynolds, J. Postel. November internet 1986.
  • RFC 0917 - Internet Subnets. J.C. Mogul. October 1984.
  • RFC 0988 - Host Extensions for IP Multicasting. S.E. Deering. July internet 1986.
  • RFC 0979 - PSN End-to-End Functional Specification. A.G. Malis. March 1986.
  • RFC 0926 - Protocol for Providing the Connectionless Mode Network Services. rfcs International Organization internet for Standardization. December 1984.
  • RFC 0932 - Subnetwork Addressing Scheme. D.D. Clark. January 1985.
  • RFC 0946 - Telnet Terminal Location Number Option. R. Nedved. May 1985.
  • RFC 0929 - Proposed Host-Front End Protocol. J. Lilienkamp, R. Mandell, M.A. Padlipsky. 0901 - 1000 December 1984.
  • RFC 0952 - DoD Internet Host Table Specification. K. Harrenstien, M.K. rfcs Stahl, E.J. 0901 - 1000 Feinler. October 1985.
  • RFC 0992 - On Communication Support for Fault Tolerant Process Groups. 0901 - 1000 K.P. Birman, T.A. Joseph. November 1986.
  • RFC 0963 - Some Problems with the Specification of the Military Standard Internet rfcs Protocol. D.P. Sidhu. November 1985.
  • RFC 0959 - File Transfer Protocol. J. Postel, J.K. Reynolds. October rfcs 1985.
  • RFC 0968 - Twas the Night Before Start-Up. V.G. Cerf. December 1985.
  • RFC 0957 - Experiments in Network Clock Synchronization. D.L. Mills. September internet 1985.
  • RFC 0909 - Loader Debugger Protocol. C. Welles, W. Milliken. July rfcs 1984.
  • RFC 0907 - Host Access Protocol Specification. Bolt, Beranek and Newman, rfcs Inc..July 1984.
  • RFC 0923 - Assigned Numbers. J.K. Reynolds, J. Postel. October 1984.
  • RFC 0956 - Algorithms for Synchronizing Network Clocks. D.L. Mills. September 1985.
  • RFC 0942 - Transport Protocols for Department of Defense Data Networks. rfcs National Research Council. February 1985.
  • RFC 0906 - Bootstrap Loading Using TFTP. R. Finlayson. June 1984.
  • RFC 0955 - Towards a Transport Service for Transaction Processing Applications. R.T. Braden. internet September 1985.
  • RFC 0934 - Proposed Standard for Message Encapsulation. M.T. Rose, E.A. internet Stefferud. January rfcs 1985.
  • RFC 0995 - End System to Intermediate System Routing Exchange Protocol internet for Use rfcs in Conjunction with ISO 8473. International internet Organization for Standardization. rfcs April 1986.
  • RFC 0908 - Reliable Data Protocol. D. Velten, R.M. Hinden, J. Sax. July internet 1984.
  • RFC 0902 - ARPA Internet Protocol Policy. J.K. Reynolds, J. Postel. 0901 - 1000 internet July 1984.
  • RFC 0933 - Output Marking Telnet Option. S. Silverman. January 1985.
  • RFC 0916 - Reliable Asynchronous Transfer Protocol (RATP). G.G. Finn. October 0901 - 1000 1984.
  • RFC 0950 - Internet Standard Subnetting Procedure. J.C. Mogul, J. Postel. internet August 1985.
  • RFC 0998 - NETBLT: A Bulk Data Transfer Protocol. D.D. Clark, rfcs M.L. Lambert, L. Zhang. March 1987.
  • RFC 0958 - Network Time Protocol (NTP). D.L. Mills. September 1985.
  • RFC 0915 - Network Mail Path Service. M.A. Elvy, R. Nedved. internet December 1984.
  • RFC 0901 - Official ARPA-Internet Protocols. J.K. Reynolds, J. Postel. June 0901 - 1000 rfcs 1984.
  • RFC 0904 - Exterior Gateway Protocol Formal Specification. D.L. Mills. April internet 1984.
  • RFC 0965 - Format for a Graphical Communication Protocol. L. Aguilar. 0901 - 1000 December 1985.
  • RFC 0948 - Two Methods for the Transmission of IP Datagrams rfcs Over IEEE rfcs 802.3 Networks. I. Winston. June 1985.
  • RFC 0984 - PCMAIL: A Distributed Mail System for Personal Computers rfcs D.D. Clark, 0901 - 1000 M.L. Lambert. May 1986.
  • RFC 0918 - Post Office Protocol. J.K. Reynolds. October 1984.
  • RFC 0920 - Domain Requirements. J. Postel, J.K. Reynolds. October 1984.
  • RFC 0905 - ISO Transport Protocol Specification ISO DP 8073. A.M. rfcs McKenzie. April 1984.
  • RFC 0989 - Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic Mail: Part I. 0901 - 1000 internet J. Linn. February 1987.
  • RFC 0997 - Internet Numbers. J.K. Reynolds, J. Postel. March 1987.
  • RFC 0975 - Autonomous Confederations. D.L. Mills. February 1986.
  • RFC 0980 - Protocol Document Order Information. O.J. Jacobsen, J. Postel. rfcs March 1986.
  • RFC 0964 - Some Problems with the Specification of the Military Standard Transmission internet Control Protocol. D.P. Sidhu. November 1985.
  • RFC 0928 - Introduction to Proposed DoD Standard H-FP. M.A. Padlipsky. 0901 - 1000 December 1984.
  • RFC 0935 - Reliable Link Layer Protocols. J.G. Robinson. January 1985.
  • RFC 0951 - Bootstrap Protocol. W.J. Croft, J. Gilmore. September 1985.
  • RFC 0994 - Final Text of DIS 8473, Protocol for Providing 0901 - 1000 rfcs the Connectionless-Mode Network Service. International Organization for Standardization. 0901 - 1000 rfcs March 1986.
  • RFC 0971 - Survey of Data Representation Standards. A.L. DeSchon. January 1986.
  • RFC 1000 - Request For Comments Reference Guide. J.K. Reynolds, J. internet Postel. August 1987.
  • RFC 0967 - All Victims Together. M.A. Padlipsky. December 1985.
  • RFC 0922 - Broadcasting Internet Datagrams in the Presence of Subnets. J.C. Mogul. 0901 - 1000 October 1984.
  • RFC 0962 - TCP-4 Prime. M.A. Padlipsky. November 1985.
  • RFC 0931 - Authentication Server. M. St. Johns. January 1985.
  • RFC 0983 - ISO Transport Arrives on Top of the TCP. rfcs D.E. Cass, M.T. Rose. April 1986.
  • RFC 0939 - Executive Summary of the NRC Report on Transport Protocols for internet Department of Defense Data Networks. National Research Council. February 1985.
  • RFC 0925 - Multi-LAN Address Resolution. J. Postel. October 1984.
  • RFC 0993 - PCMAIL: A Distributed Mail System for Personal Computers. internet D.D. Clark, M.L. Lambert. December 1986.
  • RFC 0910 - Multimedia Mail Meeting Notes. H.C. Forsdick. August 1984.
  • RFC 0936 - Another Internet Subnet Addressing Scheme. M.J. Karels. February rfcs 1985.
  • RFC 0954 - NICNAME/WHOIS. K. Harrenstien, M.K. Stahl, E.J. Feinler. October 1985.
  • RFC 0985 - Requirements for Internet Gateways - Draft. National Science internet Foundation, Network internet Technical Advisory Group. May 1986.
  • RFC 0911 - EGP Gateway Under Berkeley UNIX 4.2. P. Kirton. rfcs August 1984.
  • RFC 0919 - Broadcasting Internet Datagrams. J.C. Mogul. October 1984.
  • RFC 0913 - Simple File Transfer Protocol. M. Lottor. September 1984.
  • RFC 0938 - Internet Reliable Transaction Protocol Functional and Interface Specification. rfcs T. Miller. February 1985.
  • RFC 0960 - Assigned Numbers. J.K. Reynolds, J. Postel. December 1985.
  • RFC 0949 - FTP Unique-Named Store Command. M.A. Padlipsky. July 1985.
  • RFC 0914 - Thinwire Protocol for Connecting Personal Computers to the 0901 - 1000 Internet. D.J. Farber, G. Delp, T.M. Conte. September 0901 - 1000 1984.
  • RFC 0974 - Mail Routing and the Domain System. C. Partridge. January 1986.
  • RFC 0973 - Domain System Changes and Observations. P.V. Mockapetris. January 1986 .
  • RFC 0970 - On Packet Switches with Infinite Storage. J. Nagle. 0901 - 1000 0901 - 1000 December 1985.
  • RFC 0961 - Official ARPA-Internet Protocols. J.K. Reynolds, J. Postel. December internet 1985.
  • RFC 0924 - Official ARPA-Internet Protocols for Connecting Personal Computers to rfcs the Internet. rfcs J.K. Reynolds, J. Postel. October 1984.
  • RFC 0947 - Multi-Network Broadcasting Within the Internet. K. Lebowitz, D. internet Mankins. June 0901 - 1000 1985.
  • RFC 0977 - Network News Transfer Protocol. B. Kantor, P. Lapsley. February 1986.
  • RFC 0940 - Toward an Internet Standard Scheme for Subnetting. Gateway 0901 - 1000 rfcs Algorithms and Data Structures Task Force. April 1985.
  • RFC 0999 - Requests For Comments Summary Notes: 900-999. A. Westine, J. Postel. April 1987.
  • RFC 0969 - NETBLT: A Bulk Data Transfer Protocol. D.D. Clark, rfcs M.L. Lambert, internet L. Zhang. December 1985.
  • RFC 0976 - UUCP Mail Interchange Format Standard. M.R. Horton. February 0901 - 1000 1986.
  • RFC 0941 - Addendum to the Network Service Definition Covering Network Layer Addressing. International Organization for Standardization. April 1985.
  • RFC 0996 - Statistics Server. D.L. Mills. February 1987.
  • RFC 0953 - Hostname Server. K. Harrenstien, M.K. Stahl, E.J. Feinler. October 1985.
  • RFC 0937 - Post Office Protocol: Version 2. M. Butler, J. Postel, D. Chase, et al. February 1985.
  • RFC 0912 - Authentication Service. M. St. Johns. September 1984.
  • RFC 0921 - Domain Name System Implementation Schedule - Revised. J. 0901 - 1000 Postel. October 1984.
  • RFC 0943 - Assigned Numbers. J.K. Reynolds, J. Postel. April 1985.
  • RFC 0986 - Guidelines for the Use of Internet-IP Addresses in internet the ISO rfcs Connectionless-Mode Network Protocol. R.W. Callon H.W. internet Braun. June 1986.

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