1901 - 2000 RFCs Internet

    Top: Computers: Internet: RFCs

1901 - 2000

  • RFC 1921 - TNVIP Protocol. J. Dujonc. March 1996.
  • RFC 1950 - ZLIB Compressed Data Format Specification Version 3.3. P. Deutsch, J-L. rfcs Gailly. May 1996.
  • RFC 1920 - Internet Official Protocol Standards. J. Postel. March 1996.
  • RFC 1913 - Architecture of the Whois++ Index Service. C. Weider, 1901 - 2000 rfcs J. Fullton, S. Spero. February 1996.
  • RFC 1955 - New Scheme for Internet Routing and Addressing (ENCAPS) internet for IPNG. 1901 - 2000 R. Hinden. June 1996.
  • RFC 1987 - Ipsilon\\'s General Switch Management Protocol Specification Version 1.1. P. Newman, 1901 - 2000 W. Edwards, R. Hinden, E. Hoffman, F. Ching Liaw, T. 1901 - 2000 Lyon, G. Minshall. August 1996.
  • RFC 1972 - A Method for the Transmission of IPv6 Packets over Ethernet 1901 - 2000 Networks. M. Crawford. August 1996.
  • RFC 1996 - A Mechanism for Prompt Notification of Zone Changes (DNS NOTIFY). rfcs P. Vixie. August 1996.
  • RFC 1914 - How to Interact with a Whois++ Mesh. P. Faltstrom, R. 1901 - 2000 Schoultz, C. Weider. February 1996.
  • RFC 1915 - Variance for The PPP Connection Control Protocol and internet The PPP 1901 - 2000 Encryption Control Protocol. F. Kastenholz. February internet 1996.
  • RFC 1918 - Address Allocation for Private Internet\\'s. Y. Rekhter, B. Moskowitz, D. rfcs Karrenberg, G. J. de Groot, E. Lear. February 1996.
  • RFC 1924 - A Compact Representation of IPv6 Addresses. R. Elz. April 1996.
  • RFC 1927 - Suggested Additional MIME Types for Associating Documents. C. Rogers. April 1996.
  • RFC 1943 - Building an X.500 Directory Service in the US. B. Jennings. May 1996.
  • RFC 1978 - PPP Predictor Compression Protocol. D. Rand. August 1996.
  • RFC 1962 - The PPP Compression Control Protocol (CCP). D. Rand. June 1996.
  • RFC 1986 - Experiments with a Simple File Transfer Protocol for 1901 - 2000 Radio Links using Enhanced Trivial File Transfer Protocol 1901 - 2000 (ETFTP). W. Polites, W. Wollman, D. Woo, R. 1901 - 2000 Langan. August 1996.
  • RFC 1981 - Path MTU Discovery for IP version 6. J. McCann, S. rfcs Deering, J. Mogul. August 1996.
  • RFC 1971 - IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration. S. Thomson, T. Narten. August 1996.
  • RFC 1949 - Scalable Multicast Key Distribution. A. Ballardie. May 1996.
  • RFC 1908 - Coexistence between Version 1 and Version 2 of the Internet-Standard Network Management Framework. SNMPv2 Working Group, J. Case, K. McCloghrie, M. Rose, S. Waldbusser. January 1996.
  • RFC 1990 - The PPP Multilink Protocol (MP). K. Sklower, B. 1901 - 2000 1901 - 2000 Lloyd, G. McGregor, D. Carr, T. Coradetti. August 1901 - 2000 1901 - 2000 1996.
  • RFC 1928 - SOCKS Protocol Version 5. M. Leech, M. Ganis, Y. Lee, 1901 - 2000 R. Kuris, D. Koblas, L. Jones. March 1996.
  • RFC 1932 - IP over ATM: a Framework Document. R. Cole, internet D. Shur, rfcs C. Villamizar. April 1996.
  • RFC 1980 - A Proposed Extension to HTML: Client-Side Image Maps. J. Seidman. rfcs August 1996.
  • RFC 1946 - Native ATM Support for ST2+. S. Jackowski. May 1996.
  • RFC 1999 - Request for Comments Summary RFC Numbers 1900-1999. J. rfcs Elliott. January rfcs 1997.
  • RFC 1961 - GSS-API Authentication Method for SOCKS Version 5. P. 1901 - 2000 rfcs McMahon. June 1996.
  • RFC 1933 - Transition Mechanisms for IPv6 Hosts and Routers. R. internet Gilligan, E. 1901 - 2000 Nordmark. April 1996.
  • RFC 1970 - Neighbor Discovery for IP Version 6 (IPv6). T. Narten, E. rfcs Nordmark, W. Simpson. August 1996.
  • RFC 1909 - An Administrative Infrastructure for SNMPv2. K. McCloghrie. February 1901 - 2000 1996.
  • RFC 1916 - Enterprise Renumbering: Experience and Information Solicitation. H. Berkowitz, 1901 - 2000 rfcs P. Ferguson, W. Leland, P. Nesser. February 1996.
  • RFC 1901 - Introduction to Community-Based SNMPv2. SNMPv2 Working Group, J. Case, K. McCloghrie, M. Rose, S. Waldbusser. January 1996.
  • RFC 1935 - What is the Internet, Anyway? J. Quarterman, S. rfcs Carl-Mitchell. April internet 1996.
  • RFC 1923 - RIPv1 Applicability Statement for Historic Status. J. Halpern, 1901 - 2000 S. Bradner. March 1996.
  • RFC 1948 - Defending Against Sequence Number Attacks. S. Bellovin. May 1996.
  • RFC 1912 - Common DNS Operational and Configuration Errors. D. Barr. February 1996.
  • RFC 1904 - Conformance Statements for Version 2 of the Simple Network Management rfcs Protocol (SNMPv2). SNMPv2 Working Group, J. Case, K. McCloghrie, M. rfcs Rose, S. Waldbusser. January 1996.
  • RFC 1998 - An Application of the BGP Community Attribute in rfcs Multi-Home Routing. 1901 - 2000 E. Chen, T. Bates. August 1996.
  • RFC 1967 - PPP LZS-DCP Compression Protocol (LZS-DCP). K. Schneider, R. Friend. August 1901 - 2000 1996.
  • RFC 1989 - PPP Link Quality Monitoring. W. Simpson. August 1996.
  • RFC 1994 - PPP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP). W. Simpson. August 1996.
  • RFC 1902 - Structure of Management Information for Version 2 of internet the Simple rfcs Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2). SNMPv2 Working internet Group, J. Case, K. rfcs McCloghrie, M. Rose, S. internet Waldbusser. January 1996.
  • RFC 1965 - Autonomous System Confederations for BGP. P. Traina. June internet 1996.
  • RFC 1944 - Benchmarking Methodology for Network Interconnect Devices. S. Bradner, rfcs J. McQuaid. rfcs May 1996.
  • RFC 1977 - PPP BSD Compression Protocol. V. Schryver. August 1996.
  • RFC 1956 - Registration in the MIL Domain. D. Engebretson, R. rfcs Plzak. June 1996.
  • RFC 1940 - Source Demand Routing: Packet Format and Forwarding Specification (Version 1). 1901 - 2000 D. Estrin, T. Li, Y. Rekhter, K. Varadhan, D. Zappala. 1901 - 2000 May 1996.
  • RFC 1964 - The Kerberos Version 5 GSS-API Mechanism. J. Linn. internet June 1996.
  • RFC 1930 - Guidelines for Creation, Selection, and Registration of an Autonomous System internet (AS). J. Hawkinson, T. Bates. March 1996.
  • RFC 1984 - IAB and IESG Statement on Cryptographic Technology and 1901 - 2000 the Internet. IAB, IESG. August 1996.
  • RFC 1966 - BGP Route Reflection An Alternative to Full Mesh IBGP. T. 1901 - 2000 Bates, R. Chandrasekeran. June 1996.
  • RFC 1959 - An LDAP URL Format. T. Howes, M. Smith. internet June 1996.
  • RFC 1975 - PPP Magnalink Variable Resource Compression. D. Schremp, J. Black, J. internet Weiss. August 1996.
  • RFC 1995 - Incremental Zone Transfer in DNS. M. Ohta. August internet 1996.
  • RFC 1991 - PGP Message Exchange Formats. D. Atkins, W. Stallings, rfcs P. Zimmermann. rfcs August 1996.
  • RFC 1926 - An Experimental Encapsulation of IP Datagrams on Top rfcs of ATM. rfcs J. Eriksson. April 1996.
  • RFC 1942 - HTML Tables. D. Raggett. May 1996.
  • RFC 1906 - Transport Mappings for Version 2 of the Simple internet Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2). SNMPv2 Working Group, J. internet Case, K. McCloghrie, M. Rose, S. Waldbusser. January internet 1996.
  • RFC 1931 - Dynamic RARP Extensions for Automatic Network Address Acquisition. 1901 - 2000 D. Brownell. April 1996.
  • RFC 1910 - User-Based Security Model for SNMPv2. G. Waters. February 1996.
  • RFC 1938 - A One-Time Password System. N. Haller, C. Metz. rfcs May 1996.
  • RFC 1954 - Transmission of Flow Labelled IPv4 on ATM Data 1901 - 2000 1901 - 2000 Links Ipsilon Version 1.0. P. Newman, W. Edwards, 1901 - 2000 1901 - 2000 R. Hinden, E. Hoffman, F. Ching Liaw, T. 1901 - 2000 1901 - 2000 Lyon, G. Minshall. May 1996.
  • RFC 1907 - Management Information Base for Version 2 of the internet Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2). SNMPv2 Working Group, internet J. Case, K. McCloghrie, M. Rose, S. Waldbusser. internet January 1996.
  • RFC 1922 - Chinese Character Encoding for Internet Messages. HF. Zhu, DY. Hu, ZG. Wang, TC. Kao, WCH. Chang, M. Crispin. March 1996.
  • RFC 1937 - "Local/Remote" Forwarding Decision in Switched Data Link Subnetworks. Y. Rekhter, internet D. Kandlur. May 1996.
  • RFC 1968 - The PPP Encryption Control Protocol (ECP). G. Meyer. 1901 - 2000 internet June 1996.
  • RFC 1934 - Ascend\'s Multilink Protocol Plus (MP+). K. Smith. April internet 1996.
  • RFC 1993 - PPP Gandalf FZA Compression Protocol. A. Barbir, D. rfcs Carr, W. Simpson. August 1996.
  • RFC 1988 - Conditional Grant of Rights to Specific Hewlett-Packard Patents 1901 - 2000 rfcs In Conjunction With the Internet Engineering Task Force\\'s 1901 - 2000 rfcs Internet-Standard Network Management Framework. G. McAnally, D. Gilbert, 1901 - 2000 rfcs J. Flick. August 1996.
  • RFC 1957 - Some Observations on Implementations of the Post Office internet Protocol (POP3). 1901 - 2000 R. Nelson. June 1996.
  • RFC 1997 - BGP Communities Attribute. R. Chandra, P. Traina, T. Li. August internet 1996.
  • RFC 1953 - Ipsilon Flow Management Protocol Specification for IPv4 Version internet 1.0. P. rfcs Newman, W. Edwards, R. Hinden, E. internet Hoffman, F. Ching Liaw, rfcs T. Lyon, G. Minshall. internet May 1996.
  • RFC 1917 - An Appeal to the Internet Community to Return Unused IP rfcs Networks (Prefixes) to the IANA. P. Nesser II. February 1996.
  • RFC 1963 - PPP Serial Data Transport Protocol (SDTP). K. Schneider, S. Venters. rfcs August 1996.
  • RFC 2000 - Internet Official Protocol Standards. J. Postel, Editor. February 1997.
  • RFC 1952 - GZIP File Format Specification Version 4.3. P. Deutsch. rfcs May 1996.
  • RFC 1992 - The Nimrod Routing Architecture. I. Castineyra, N. Chiappa, 1901 - 2000 M. Steenstrup. August 1996.
  • RFC 1973 - PPP in Frame Relay. W. Simpson. June 1996.
  • RFC 1936 - Implementing the Internet Checksum in Hardware. J. Touch, rfcs B. Parham. 1901 - 2000 April 1996.
  • RFC 1941 - Frequently Asked Questions for Schools. J. Sellers, J. rfcs Robichaux. May 1901 - 2000 1996.
  • RFC 1976 - PPP for Data Compression in Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment rfcs (DCE). K. Schneider, S. Venters. August 1996.
  • RFC 1979 - PPP Deflate Protocol. J. Woods. August 1996.
  • RFC 1985 - SMTP Service Extension for Remote Message Queue Starting. J. De Winter. August 1996.
  • RFC 1947 - Greek Character Encoding for Electronic Mail Messages. D. Spinellis. May rfcs 1996.
  • RFC 1903 - Textual Conventions for Version 2 of the Simple 1901 - 2000 internet Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2). SNMPv2 Working Group, J. 1901 - 2000 internet Case, K. McCloghrie, M. Rose, S. Waldbusser. January 1901 - 2000 internet 1996.
  • RFC 1939 - Post Office Protocol - Version 3. J. Myers, 1901 - 2000 rfcs M. Rose. May 1996.
  • RFC 1983 - Internet Users' Glossary. G. Malkin. August 1996.
  • RFC 1951 - DEFLATE Compressed Data Format Specification Version 1.3. P. Deutsch. May internet 1996.
  • RFC 1945 - Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.0. T. Berners-Lee, R. rfcs Fielding, H. Frystyk. May 1996.
  • RFC 1960 - A String Representation of LDAP Search Filters. T. rfcs Howes. June rfcs 1996.
  • RFC 1905 - Protocol Operations for Version 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2). SNMPv2 Working Group, J. Case, K. McCloghrie, M. Rose, S. Waldbusser. January 1996.
  • RFC 1925 - The Twelve Networking Truths. R. Callon. April 1996.
  • RFC 1929 - Username/Password Authentication for SOCKS V5. M. Leech. March rfcs 1996.
  • RFC 1958 - Architectural Principles of the Internet. B. Carpenter. June internet 1996.
  • RFC 1982 - Serial Number Arithmetic. R. Elz, R. Bush. August internet 1996.
  • RFC 1919 - Classical versus Transparent IP Proxies. M. Chatel. March 1996.
  • RFC 1974 - PPP Stac LZS Compression Protocol. R. Friend, W. Simpson. August rfcs 1996.
  • RFC 1969 - The PPP DES Encryption Protocol (DESE). K. Sklower, internet G. Meyer. internet June 1996.
  • RFC 1911 - Voice Profile for Internet Mail. G. Vaudreuil. February 1996.

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