Articles CORBA Component Frameworks Programming

This paper investigates performance issues for distributed object systems. Claims that object caching is a must for improved performance and scalability in distributed object systems.

    Top: Computers: Programming: Component Frameworks: CORBA


See Also:
  • Strategies for CORBA Middleware-Based Load Balancing - Load balancing helps improve system scalability by ensuring articles that client application requests are distributed and processed articles equitably across a group of servers. Likewise, it articles helps improve system dependability by adapting dynamically to articles system configuration
  • Designing an Adaptive CORBA Load Balancing Service using TAO - Focuses on the specifications for middleware-based load balancing mechanisms developed using standard CORBA, and discusses the specific load balancing service we designed using TAO.
  • Object Caching in a CORBA Compliant System - This paper investigates performance issues for distributed object corba systems. Claims that object caching is a must corba for improved performance and scalability in distributed object corba systems.
  • Building a Distributed Object System with .NET and J2EE Using IIOP.NET - This article shows how the .NET and J2EE component frameworks platforms can tightly interoperate together, as it is component frameworks often needed when developing distributed enterprise applications. For component frameworks this purpose, an open-source custom remoting channel called component frameworks IIOP.NET is used.
  • The CORBA Component Model, Part 2 - This column discusses a hybrid publisher/subscriber and request/response distribution architecture that uses CCM features to implement stock-quoter example.
  • The Trouble with CORBA - This article covers the pitfalls of CORBA.
  • Real-time CORBA, Part 4 - Explores features that allow distributed real-time and embedded corba applications to articles select protocol properties and to explicitly corba bind clients to server articles objects using pre-allocated connections, corba priority bands, and private connections.
  • XML Reflection for CORBA - Shows an alternative approach to supporting reflection in CORBA. The basic approach involves having each object returns its own metadata, rather than relying on an external service, such as the IFR.
  • CORBA 3.0 Notification Service - Explains how to use COSNotification Service and points component frameworks out articles the advantages over the COSEvent Service. Covers component frameworks structured events, articles filters, and Quality of Service issues.
  • Real-Time CORBA Priority and Threadpool Mechanisms - Takes a look at the Real-Time CORBA specification articles that defined several mechanisms to provide for end-to-end articles deterministic performance for CORBA operations.
  • Object References, Memory Management, and Parameter Passing in C++, Part 1 - Discusses the C++ language mapping for object references, component frameworks addresses memory management issues related to object references, component frameworks and demonstrates the correct means of exchanging object component frameworks references during CORBA request invocations. This article focuses component frameworks on object
  • Dynamic CORBA, Part 3 - Presents the CORBA DSI (Dynamic Skeleton Interface), which is the server-side counterpart of the CORBA Dynamic Invocation Interface.
  • CORBA and XML, Part 2: XML as CORBA Data - Discusses various alternatives of passing XML-defined data between articles client and server. Concludes with a brief discussion articles of SOAP and Web Services and how they articles relate to CORBA.
  • Servlet Inter-communication with CORBA - Gives a brief overview of CORBA, then discusses corba servlets and demonstrates how servlets can communicate with corba CORBA servers.
  • Under the Hood: IORs, GIOP and IIOP - Explains the low-level protocols used.
  • CORBA and XML, Part 3: SOAP and Web Services - Compares SOAP and IIOP and then concludes that component frameworks Web component frameworks services and CORBA are not rivals, but component frameworks instead are component frameworks complementary.
  • Introduction to Fault Tolerant CORBA - Introduces Fault Tolerant CORBA and describe the architecture component frameworks set articles forth in the FT CORBA specification.
  • Real-time CORBA, Part 3 - Describes real-time CORBA\'s support for thread pools and corba synchronizers.
  • Java and CORBA - A Smooth Blend - While there may still be a place for component frameworks technologies articles such as RMI, CORBA represents a great component frameworks threat, and articles offers great rewards for those Java component frameworks developers that adopt articles it.
  • Can CORBA Sidestep Open-Source Licensing? - Takes a look at how to extend the articles functionality of an open-source program without actually changing articles the source code.
  • Local Objects - Describes what local objects in CORBA are and corba why they are required to utilize many advanced corba CORBA features such as servant managers, portable interceptors, corba and policies.
  • The CORBA Component Model, Part 1 - This column is the first in a series component frameworks that focuses on the CORBA Component Model (CCM). component frameworks It first outlines the evolution of programming abstractions component frameworks from subroutines to modules, objects, and components. Then component frameworks it describes how this evolution has largely been component frameworks m
  • Web Services: SOAP and CORBA - Compares CORBA and SOAP. Contains many interesting comments originally made in a thread on the comp.object.corba newsgroup.
  • CORBA and XML, Part 1: Versioning - Takes a look at the relationship between XML and CORBA and explores the topic of versioning.
  • Real-time CORBA, Part 1 - Describes how middleware is evolving to support distributed real-time and articles embedded systems. Focuses on real-time CORBA.
  • CORBA Metaprogramming Mechanisms, Part 1 - Describes CORBA Portable Interceptors, which are objects that articles an ORB invokes in the path of an articles operation invocation to monitor or modify the behavior articles of the invocation transparently.
  • Caching Support for CORBA Objects - Introduces caching solutions for improving availability and predictability component frameworks of articles distributed services. Cascade (caching service for CORBA component frameworks distributed objects) articles facilitates scalable application design by building component frameworks cache hierarchies for articles the objects it manages.
  • Dynamic CORBA, Part 2 - Explains the Dynamic Any, which is the standard corba facility for manipulating values of constructed types within corba Dynamic CORBA applications.
  • CORBA Security: An Overview - Scratches the surface and lays the groundwork for articles demystifying security as it relates to CORBA middleware.
  • Local Invocation for CORBA - This article explains how to simulate the pass-by-value strategy in articles CORBA 2.2 using Java so that a client virtual machine articles can locally invoke methods implemented.
  • CORBA Notification Services - Covers existing CORBA CosEvent services and the enhancements articles which will articles be made to them with the articles introduction of advanced notification articles services in CORBA 3.0.
  • Dynamic CORBA, Part 4 - Shows how CORBA developers can use the IFR corba (Interface Repository) articles to construct truly dynamic applications that corba discover all necessary type articles information at run time.
  • The Rise and Fall of CORBA - Michi Henning argues why this distributed computing technology corba fell short and what can be learned from corba it.
  • Help with Designing or Debugging CORBA Applications - This article explores how some useful extensions to an open-source protocol analyzer in order to allow the extraction of OMG IDL (interface definition language) defined data types from TCP/IP traffic (using GIOP/IIOP) have been added.
  • JMS & CORBA Notification Interworking - This article introduces JMS and the CORBA Notification Service and describes the challenges being addressed in providing an interworking solution. By Steve Trythall.
  • A Comparison of three CORBA Management Tools - Evaluates three tools that focus on management of distributed applications corba based on the Orbix C++ CORBA implementation: Orbix Manager, Corba corba Assistant and Object/Observer and investigates the capabilities of these tools corba and identifies the benefits and sho
  • Dynamic CORBA, Part 1 - Covers the basics of the DII (Dynamic Invocation articles Interface), the corba client-side interface used for dynamic CORBA articles applications.
  • CORBA Component Model (CCM) - Outlines upcoming changes to the CORBA specification, and explains what it means for current and future projects, and interoperability with other component models.
  • Implementing a Caching Service for Distributed CORBA Objects - This paper discusses the implementation of CASCADE, a distributed caching corba service for CORBA objects.
  • Real-time CORBA, Part 2 - Shows C++ code examples that illustrate how to articles program the articles real-time CORBA priority mechanisms.
  • Bootstrapping Techniques - Discusses the issues raised by, and choices available articles articles for bootstrapping a CORBA application so that each articles of the processes may access the services of articles its peer processes. Describes the options for developers articles and considers the performance, and reliab

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