Database Components Tools NET

The intelligent data access layer, connects .NET components to relational databases with little or no code changes and no code generation. By Revelation Technologies.

    Top: Computers: Programming: Component Frameworks: NET: Tools: Components


See Also:
  • OraDirect .NET - Data Provider for direct access to Oracle database. database By Core Lab.
  • Deli - The intelligent data access layer, connects .NET components to relational tools databases with little or no code changes and no code tools generation. By Revelation Technologies.
  • Tankardsoft - .Net Data Provider for Oracle TimesTen real-time in-memory database.
  • VistaDB - Embedded SQL database alternative to Jet, MSDE and SQL Server Express for building small to midsize .NET database applications.
  • MetaBase.NET - A proxy-caching database server optimized for the .NET components environment. It supports Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, PostGreSQL, components FireBird, and MySql. By JHOB Technologies.
  • SQLite - ADO.NET 2.0 Provider for SQLite with VS 2005 components design-time support. Available for standard and Compact Framework. components Downloads and a forum are available.
  • Proposion N2N - Managed ADO.NET data driver for Lotus Domino. Integrates components Lotus Domino into the .NET Framework.
  • Snotra Tech Oracle Data Components - Advanced Oracle dataset for data-aware components like DataGrid. Provides automatic database lock and refresh of modified records. Checks integrity constraints, supports database server generated values. Based on ODP.NET.
  • TurboDB.NET - A full-sized ADO.NET data provider featuring the Connection, tools Command, DataReader, components DataAdapter and CommandBuilder components. Apart from tools the connection string, you components should be able to tools use the same database code for components OleDb and tools TurboDB data access.
  • DataObjects.NET - Object-to-database persistence layer for .NET Framework. By
  • NConstruct - RAD tool for creating database driven Windows and Web applications.
  • db4o - Client/server object database for .NET and .NET CompactFramework.
  • eXpress Persistent Objects for .NET - An O/R mapping framework that requires no configuration and auto generates the database schema.
  • DBNavigator - An open source .NET control that has a VCR-like interface tools for navigating data and managing records.
  • Gentle.NET Object Persistence Framework - The framework offers automatic SQL generation and object database construction and supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, MS SQL Server, database and SQLite. [Open Source]
  • MySQL .NET - Data Provider for direct access to MySQL database. By Core Lab.
  • Adillis smartDBforms.NET - ASP.NET framework for creating database entry forms. Automatically tools generates the components SQL commands and the user interface.
  • Dharma .NET SDK - A rapid to implement SDK to provide high-end SQL functionality database and performance to proprietary or legacy data source.
  • Sql.Net - A software component which allows to programmatically create SQL queries in runtime using a convenient .Net Object Model, thus creating an abstraction layer over SQL. [Open source, GPL]
  • AxpDataGrid for ASP.NET - A datagrid with data editing capabilities in form tools mode.
  • ASP.NET Auto DB - An ASP.NET Web Server Control that allows creating and publishing database of online database forms without programming.
  • DataForm.NET - Enables use in application complex data entry forms database without writing a single line of source code. database It support SQL Server and Oracle.
  • Bean Software Search Control - ASP.NET web custom control, intended for web developers tools add searching database features to their web sites.
  • Directory of .NET Data Providers - List of vendors and authors of .NET data providers.

   MySQL - Cache Direct
