Personal Pages Games Programming
Dedicated to personal programming projects with a forum based community that holds debates and creates sprite comics. Site provide game resources such as sprites and sound effects, and programming tutorials.
Top: Computers: Programming: Games
Personal Pages
See Also:
- Top/Computers/Programming/Personal Pages
- Top/Games/Video Games/Developers and Publishers/Independent Developers
- Top/Games/Video Games/Downloads/Free/Developers
- Top/Computers/Programming/Graphics/Personal Pages
- Chowdry, Arnab - - Programming tutorials geared mainly towards game programming, and discussion forums. Research interests (biophysics). Writing.
- Berardi, Gianfranco - GBGames' Blog - Independent game developer\\'s blogging about games in general, coding, his games development projects and related technical issues.
- Strawn, Devon - Devon Strawn's Art of Code - Notes on computational geometry, graphics algorithms, and mathematics of graphics games and game programming. Some of art and textures too.
- Wagner, Max - Projects, demos, source code, and tutorials demonstrating techniques and algorithms used in real-time physics-based games and simulations. Polemic, perspectives, links, and an all around good time for those seeking enlightment through code.
- Westberg, Niklas - Archive of author\\'s OpenGL demos and games. Lip games sync thesis games and demo.
- Jenkins, Josh - Inertia - About, CV. C/C++ Visual Basic game programming articles. OO game programming tutorial. OpenGL and natural language projects. Games with C++ sources.
- Scibilia, Gabriele - About, contact information and skills. Resume. Portfolio and personal pages programming artworks. C/C++ graphics related sources. Documents.
- Martin Otten's Quake Programming Site - Tools for Quake 3 Arena with VC++ source code available. games The Argus source includes the Quake DM3 format.
- Sznober, Terry - Game programming and graphics programming projects (DOS, Java, OpenGL, Direct3D programming based). Online resume and downloadable samples and screenshots.
- Martinez, Joel - Weblog of about .NET, XNA, and Game Development games in general.
- Etomic Software - Game previews and programming links.
- MeeZ Programming Resources - OpenGL game FALLEN (new 3d stylistic Tetris Clone). BreakoutX is a 3d rendition of the Breakout game. Examples of creating OpenGL and console applications using C#.
- Rosendal, Alexander - A Gameprogrammer's Journey - Creating games using Delphi. Includes tutorials, projects and programming links to other resources.
- NFG (New Future Games) - Games and utilities with source code (C++). Game programming related programming links.
- Greggman: Game Design, Business and Programming - Articles and opinions on Game Design by someone a long programming time in the business.
- Olson, Elliott - Personal biography. Resume. Photo and screenshot gallery. Tools for game personal pages programmers.
- Dimond Software - Dedicated to personal programming projects with a forum personal pages based programming community that holds debates and creates sprite personal pages comics. Site programming provide game resources such as sprites personal pages and sound effects, programming and programming tutorials.
- Programming of magic games - Pages Sergey Anisimov for games development on BC ++ VESA.
- Heywood, Rik - Collection of articles that discuss various aspects of developing software games and games. Book reviewes.
- Nimrand's Library - Information on programming and projects author have finished or working games on, with a focus on game development.
- Reidonius' Programming Lair - devoted to the C++ and Windows ventures and projects of programming Reid Howard.
- Edorul'S Web Pages - SDLMappy library which permits to use 2D maps created by Mappy (a 2D tiles based maps editor created by Robin Burrows). The Mappy program compiled for Linux. SDLSprite library, it permits to easily handle sprites.
- Edmonds, Sam - Sam's Game Studios - Freeware games and programs which Sam has made, personal pages and Game Maker examples.
- Pedersen, Anders Bo - | FirstBreed | - Profile, portfolio and download sections, all related to computer science games and game development.
- Sink, Keith - DX Games - Site is dedicated to DirectX, Arcade Games, personal pages and programming TrueSpace. Tools, demos and games with sources. personal pages How-To sections. programming Homepage author\\'s book "DirectX 8 and personal pages Visual Basic Development" programming with table of content and personal pages related sources.
- Hartl, Andreas - Runicsoft - Programming and game programming related articles, tutorials, free source, download programming of self written programs.
- Marghidanu, Mircea - Nervus 3D Game Programming - Resume. Graphics and game related downloads (some with sources). Links.
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