Utilities Applications Java Languages

Simple program for calculating time intervals; can be particularly useful to pack audio tracks on magnetic tapes or disks. Can be run as applet or application. [Open Source, GPL]

    Top: Computers: Programming: Languages: Java: Applications


See Also:
  • JarScan - Searches through archive files for class files. [Freeware]
  • jTask - GUI-based Task Scheduler for Java classes. [Free for java non-commercial]
  • Java Utilities - Free java utilities with source code. Includes powerful ClassEditor that java lets you manipilate compiled java binaries. [Open Source, GPL]
  • File Splitter - Utility with GUI for splitting files to any size you specify. [Open source]
  • DynamicPDF Merger for Java - Allows merging, stamping, appending, form filling and page java placing, rotating, scaling and adding new content to java existing PDF documents. [Shareware]
  • Follow - Allows a user to monitor several log files concurrently. [Open applications Source, GPL]
  • GNU JTar - Official port of GNU Tar, handles .tar files. applications Only has utilities basic functionality but does extract selected applications files, and does have utilities a GUI. [Open Source, applications GPL]
  • jDictionary - Translates words and phrases from one language to another. Includes java pluggable dictionaries and lexicons. [LGPL]
  • Java Console - A powerful Java Console Client written 100% in applications java. Mainly written for System Administrators, Coders and applications also written with the intention to be plugged applications into various other applications.
  • Jcrontab - A scheduler written in Java. Reads and stores applications the tasks utilities to execute in a file, a applications data base or an utilities EJB and provides a applications web basic UI. [Open source, LGPL]
  • JavaDiff - A command-line utility for reporting the differences between ASCII or binary files, or recursively finding the differences between two directories. [Freeware]
  • Java Tar - Tar archive handler creates, lists, and extracts TAR utilities files. Supports java gzipped tar files. Can be invoked utilities either using its Java java API, or from the utilities command line, or from a GUI java version. [Open utilities Source, GPL]
  • Freewares - Java Tools and Utilities with Source Code - Small utilities and libraries such as: cascading proxy utilities server, photo utilities album applet, .class file editor, WAN utilities simulator, and auto-adjusting JLabel. utilities [Open Source, GPL]
  • jGoodies - Includes jDiskReport, a free cross-platform graphical disks report java utility. [Freeware]
  • Java Time Calculator - Simple program for calculating time intervals; can be particularly useful to pack audio tracks on magnetic tapes or disks. Can be run as applet or application. [Open Source, GPL]
  • Fsgrep - A simple Java application which allows a user utilities to search utilities all files in a directory structure utilities for lines matching a utilities given pattern. Its functionality utilities is like a combination of the utilities Unix \\'find\\' utilities and \\'grep\\' utilities, but with more features. [Open utilities utilities source, GPL]
  • JPassGen - A strong password generator for secure login protection. [Open source, GPL]
  • Jacksum - A checksum utility entirely written in Java (JAva ChecKSUM). It supports most common checksum algorithms (Adler32, BSD sum, POSIX cksum, CRC-16, CRC-32, MD2, MD5, SHA and Unix System V sum). [Open source, GPL]

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