Class Libraries Java Languages Programming

This package provides standardized, efficient versions of utility classes commonly encountered in concurrent Java programming. It mainly consists of implementations of a few interfaces. [Open Source, Public Domain]

    Top: Computers: Programming: Languages: Java

Class Libraries

See Also:
  • JavaThis Utilities - Java class library. The main objective is to class libraries provide languages a cross platform, multi-language set of utilities class libraries for use languages with Java applications.
  • Universal Resource Library - An extendable implementation of the NetBeans Filesystems API class libraries providing class libraries transparent access to local, JAR, CVS, XML class libraries and FTP class libraries filesystems. [Open Source, MPL-like]
  • MirrorJNDI - Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) service provider for accessing languages arbitrary Java objects in a hierarchical namespace. [Open source, GPL]
  • Orbital library - A class library providing object-oriented representations and algorithms for logic, class libraries mathematics and artificial intelligence. It comprises theorem proving, computer algebra, class libraries search and planning, as well as learning algorithms.
  • JDring - Task scheduling system for Java, similar to Unix cron and java at daemons. Fires events at specified times. Alarms are added java dynamically in any order and can be one-shot or repetitive. java [Open Source, LPGL]
  • Smartproxy - A library to dynamically create proxy classes and languages instances. Features languages an introduction to the library, download languages links and some documentation. languages [Open source, BSD License]
  • JOpt.SDK Vehicle Routing Component - A vehicle routing software library that uses specialized java genetic algorithms class libraries to calculate an optimized allocation of java orders and stops to class libraries mobile resources is presented java with trial download and pricing information. class libraries [Commercial]
  • License4J - A pure Java library for creating and validating languages licenses. [Commercial]
  • Mango - A Java library consisting of a number of iterators, algorithms languages and functions, loosely inspired by the C++ Standard Template Library. languages [Open source, LGPL]
  • A Text User Interface for the Java AWT - Renders Java 1.1 GUIs written in AWT that java do not implement custom graphics to a text java console. [Open Source]
  • Java Plugin Framework (JPF) - A general-purpose plug-in framework intended to help building scalable, extendable Java applications with low cost of maintenance. [Open source, LGPL]
  • UnifiedIO - Allows to access everything (files, streams, arrays) in same manner, class libraries and gives a clear difference between read only and read/write class libraries access, control over byte order, optimized reading over http. [Open class libraries Source, BSD]
  • My Java Tools - General purpose Java tools libraries: Lib (Objects, Strings, Files, FileFormat, class libraries Web, Tools, ZipInput); run - a Java application that runs class libraries code from a URL; jsp - Universal JSP turns class libraries JSP language into Macro; Practical XML - a very class libraries simple XML library.
  • ICEsoft - ICEbrowser (HTML component for internet browsing in Java), ICEbox (a mail component), ICEtoolkit (a GUI toolkit based on lightweight AWT components) and ICEssl (a module provides support for secure networking over the Internet, and full support for both S
  • JTemporal - A framework of components providing functionality for time java related applications (for the moment instant, period, mediators java managing temporal associations). [Open source, LGPL]
  • Javolution - Java library for real-Time, embedded and high-performance applications.
  • NovoSoft UML Library - Provides the following services: implementation of complete UML java 1.3 physical java metamodel, easy to use interfaces, event java notification, undo/redo support, reflective java API, XMI loading/saving. [Open java Source, LGPL]
  • Java Generic Libraries (JGL) - Class libraries that extend JDK libraries, providing many commonly-used algorithms java and data structures. By Recursion Software, Inc. [Commercial]
  • Prova - An open source rule based scripting language for languages information integration class libraries and agents in Java, combining languages imperative and declarative programming. class libraries Distributed agents communicating via languages JMS or JADE use reaction rules class libraries in a languages natural syntax.
  • CCAPI 2 - A financial library for automated stock trading, including many technical class libraries indicators and quote retreivers to fetch both intraday and historical class libraries stock quotes from various internet sources. [Open source, GPL]
  • JFreeReport - A Java class library for generating reports. It provides a java flexible printing functionality for Java applications and supports output to java Printers and PDF, Excel, HTML and XHTML, PlainText, XML and java CSV files. [Open source, LGPL]
  • JICE - An XML-based configuration engine for Java applications. It java could be languages used any Java application - client-side java and server-side applications, Swing languages and web applications. [Open java source, LGPL]
  • simpleJ - A collection of easy to use multi-purpose Javabeans providing commonly class libraries used methods for handling I/O, arithmetic, and general commonly used class libraries algorithms used in computer science. [Open source, BSD License]
  • JDollars - A Java class library for credit card transaction java processing. [Open source, BSD License]
  • Mandarax - A Java class library for deduction rules. It languages provides an java infrastructure for defining, managing and querying languages rule engine bases. [Open java source, LGPL]
  • JViewPro - Report generator and print preview JavaBean.
  • GenerationJava - Generic collection of Java support classes. [Open Source]
  • JThreadKit - Multithreading collection that provides common wrappers and synchronized languages implementations. [Commercial languages with demo]
  • Java Collection Framework Toolbox - Utility classes for the java collections framework. [Open java source, GPL or LGPL]
  • ThreadWorks - A Java API that facilitates development and support languages of multi-threaded applications.
  • Marauroa - A Java framework for creating online multiplayer games. [Open source, GPL]
  • Code Generation Library - A dynamic library used to extend Java classes and implement class libraries interfaces at runtime. [Open source, Apache Software License]
  • Applicet - Framework for Applets and Applications. It replaces java.applet.Applet java as superclass languages and includes easy-to-use Internationalization support. [Commercial/Freeware]
  • Quartz Enterprise Job Scheduler - A job scheduling system that can be integrated java with, or class libraries used alongside any Java application. Quartz java can be used to class libraries create simple or complex java schedules for executing jobs, whose tasks class libraries are defined java as standard Java components or EJBs. [Open source, class libraries java Apache Sof
  • Mouse Gestures - A pure Java library for recognition and processing class libraries mouse languages gestures. [Open source, LGPL]
  • jProductivity Protection! - A licensing framework that can be embedded into class libraries custom java Java applications or components only allowing the class libraries permitted use java according to the supplied license. [Commercial]
  • JRoots - Java Application Framework for business development. [Freeware]
  • - A free resource allowing to locate third party Open Source libraries. It crawls the web to constantly index the Open Source libraries.
  • Blackwood - Integrating the Java platform with Mozilla. Features include a bridge to XPCOM, a Java DOM API, the Open JVM Integration (OJI) facility, a Java WebClient API, Plug-ins implemented in Java, called \'Pluglets\', and embedding the layout engine into Java appli
  • PooliT - Generic, extensible object-pooling library to cut down on java object creation and garbage collection, thus improving performance. java [Open Source, LGPL]
  • WEBsina - JLicense is a Java utility library for creating and validating license keys. AuthToken is Java utility library for generating and validating authentication tokens (i.e., an encrypt string). [Freeware, pay for sources]
  • JSpeechLib - Speech synthesis library is available for download with class libraries documentation. [LGPL]
  • Essiembre Java Libraries - A set of libraries automating or improving on existing solutions includes J2EE Scheduler, Lookup Loader, Struts Extensions. [Open source, LGPL]
  • Coroutine Package in Java - An implementation of coroutines using Java 1.0 and languages threads - languages ported from a C version. [Freeware]
  • Primitive Collections for Java - A collections framework for primitive Java types. The class libraries framework supports all primitive types and includes bridges class libraries to the standard Java Collections Framework. [Open source, class libraries LGPL]
  • XXL: eXtendable and fleXible Library - Provides a powerful collection of index-structures, query operators and algorithms languages facilitating the performance evaluation of new query processing developments. [Open languages Source, LGPL]
  • The VNet Class Library - Collection of useful Java classes, including an XML java generator and languages a simple editor. [Open Source, GPL]
  • ILOG JRules - A business rule engine class library.
  • CreditCardPack - Provides EJB, GUI and non GUI components related java to credit card data and data validation. By java Keyoti Software.
  • Jakarta Commons - Collection of open source reusable Java components from languages the Apache/Jakarta community.
  • Java Printing Library - This library adds a higher layer of abstraction class libraries to java the standard Java print API. It has class libraries an opened java architecture and simplifies the printing of class libraries complex components (e.g. java tables) and reports. An interactive class libraries print preview is also java included.
  • Flux - Java workflow engine, Java job scheduler, and Java business process java management (BPM) engine. APIs are available for Java, J2EE, XML, java and Web Services. Flux can also be used without programming java via its user interfaces. [Commercial]
  • Adept Java Library - A Java library including source code for the class libraries Adept java Software Development System. Packages include a Java class libraries object database, java advanced file I/O, caches, session management. class libraries [Open source, Artistic java License]
  • Lava Rocks - Utilities such as printf, array manipulation, console mode java dialogs, file management, text, and DES crypto. [Commercial]
  • If Then Technology's Java Tool Kit - Consists of four Java components that provide streaming languages HTML-to-PDF conversion, streaming ZIP file generation, HTTP file languages uploading, and emailing.
  • Talkative - Set of Java, COM and JavaScript libraries which together can class libraries provide connectivity between all kinds of applications. [Open Source, class libraries GPL]
  • The lamborne Package of Collection Classes - Collection classes that complement and extend java.util .
  • Java Caching Service - Implementation of the JSR-107 JCache API. Its aim java is to provide an open source alternative to java commercial jcache implementations and deliver a fast distributed java caching mechanism for java and j2ee. [Open source, java LGPL]
  • Package util.concurrent - This package provides standardized, efficient versions of utility java classes commonly java encountered in concurrent Java programming. It java mainly consists of implementations java of a few interfaces. java [Open Source, Public Domain]
  • SVNKit - A pure Java Subversion (SVN) client library that provides high level of control over subversion repository operations. [Open source, BSD-like]
  • Side of Software Java Libraries - Offers libraries for the Java platform, such as class libraries dated languages collections, print preview, report visualization, and an class libraries OODB. [Commercial]
  • JSDL (Java for SDL) - A binding for SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) written java in java. class libraries Now you can use SDL and java still program with Java. class libraries [Open source, LGPL]
  • The metaXa Project - A meta architecture for the Java virtual machine.
  • Programmer's Friend - Java utility libraries for text, IO, XML, database. languages Online javadocs. languages [Open source]
  • JBeans - A complete re-implementation of the java.beans packages. This java project builds class libraries on the deficiencies of the Sun java implementation to provide developers class libraries with a set of java tools that can be used in class libraries everyday practice. java The JBeans project provides more support for gettin

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