Applications Servlets Enterprise Edition Java

Applications implemented as Java Servlets. This category for actual software products you can use that are created using Java servlets. Also included are development toolkits which implement enough functionality that the user of the toolkit does not need to use the servlet API directly.

    Top: Computers: Programming: Languages: Java: Enterprise Edition: Servlets


  • JUpload - Uploading file servlet, includes demo.
  • JERSS - Integrate RSS newsfeeds into a Web site with servlets control over applications presentation.
  • GifServlet - GifServlet is a base class enabling you to generate GIF enterprise edition images from a servlet.
  • - Free, open source Java servlets. Guestbooks, csmailform, postcards enterprise edition and email packages.
  • JetSpeed - Servlet implementation of an open protocol GroupWare product. The backend servlets (search engines, news, weather, POP3/IMAP/LDAP/NNTP, database) will be based on servlets other open source packages. [Open Source, BSD-like]
  • Gomba - A collection of Java servlets that allow developers servlets to quickly build REST-style web services that expose servlets data accessed via the JDBC API to the servlets Web. [Open Source, Apache license 2.0]
  • JFormMail - A generic HTML form to e-mail gateway that parses the results of any form and sends them to the specified users. It 100% compatible with Matt\'s original FormMail script. [Open source]
  • Melati - An application development toolkit built on top of Java servlet servlets technology.
  • Weft MaybeUpload Servlet - A package intended to ease the creation of applications upload servlets (BSD-style license).

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