Metaprogramming Programming Computers

A resource for software engineers and architects interest in code generation with articles, interviews and a database of generation tools.

    Top: Computers: Programming


See Also:
  • Todd Veldhuizen @ Chalmers - Has study, Active Libraries and Universal Languages, on computers libraries active computers in compiling; rather than make unique computers languages for each purpose, computers build libraries to give computers domain-specific syntax, optimizations, safety checking; extant computers languages and computers compilers lack
  • A Comparative Analysis of Meta-programming and Aspect-Orientation - Investigation of language constructs to support improved separation programming of crosscutting concerns. By Jeffrey G. Gray, Assistant programming Professor, University of Alabama, Birmingham.[PDF]
  • IPAD Pro - Meta CASE tool. It allows developer to build computers CASE tools programming that allows end user to use computers graphical object manipulation to programming design and maintain end computers user system. Incorporate high level visual programming programming interface. computers Provides multiplatform GUI and execution environ
  • Tim Sheard's Page - Researches the design, implementation, use of metaprogramming systems, metaprogramming created MetaML, many links on functional metaprogramming, NSF metaprogramming papers. Portland State University, Computer Science Department.
  • Automated Code Generation - Page on the original (Ward) Cunningham and Cunningham, Inc., Wiki.
  • The Art of Metaprogramming, Part 1: Introduction to Metaprogramming - An under-used programming technique is writing programs that generate programs computers or program parts. Covers: why metaprogramming is needed, some components computers of it, building a code generator; language-sensitive macro programming in computers Scheme. IBM developerWorks.
  • Eclipse Modeling Project - Focuses on evolving and promoting model-based development technologies by providing unified set of modeling frameworks, tooling, standards implementations; EMF, modeling framework and code generator to build tools and other programs based on structured da
  • Are You Missing out on Code Generation? - Writing EJBs by hand wastes effort and time; metaprogramming using the passive wizards in today\\'s IDEs is metaprogramming as bad. Solution: use active code generation. Learn metaprogramming why this is a good idea despite the metaprogramming FUD against it. DevX.
  • Dynamic Languages Group - MIT AI Lab - Covers reflection, self-modifying code or mutable MOPs, Dylan, and aspect-oriented programming.
  • Code Generation Network - A resource for software engineers and architects interest computers in code computers generation with articles, interviews and a computers database of generation tools.
  • The Art of Metaprogramming, Part 2: Metaprogramming Using Scheme - Methods and uses of metaprogramming in Scheme programming metaprogramming language, see how macros are programmed and how metaprogramming they can make large-scale programming tasks easier. IBM metaprogramming developerWorks.
  • - Dedicated to tools and information related to model-driven system development, aiming at supporting OMG\'s vision of MDA.
  • The Art of Metaprogramming, Part 3: Enterprise Metaprogramming - Methods and uses of metaprogramming in Scheme language, how macros are programmed and can make large-scale programming easier. Explores limits of metaprogramming, describes MDA and problems it solves, short example of text system using MDA. IBM developerW
  • Code Generation is a Design Smell - Controversy page on the original (Ward) Cunningham and Cunningham, Inc., Wiki.
  • The Program Generator Generator - A partial evaluation system for Scheme: Given a programming program P computers and a specification of which of programming the inputs are known computers in advance, PGG outputs programming a program generator which accepts the computers known inputs programming of P and outputs a specialized version of computers programming P.

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