Icons Desktop Customization Software
Icons collections include designs for multimedia, medical and business. Contains news and articles as well as information on custom graphics services.
Top: Computers: Software: Desktop Customization
See Also:
- Top/Computers/Internet/Chat/Instant Messaging/AOL Instant Messenger/Buddy Icons
- Top/Computers/Graphics/Web/Free/Icons
- Icojoy - Stock icon sets ready for use. Features FAQ icons and a software blog.
- Marg-Art - Transparent and animated cat cursors and icons, and software how-to instructions software for using them.
- CoolArchive - Large selection of icons in .ico and .gif software formats, sorted by category.
- New Icons for the Linux OS - Set includes animation windows, status graphics, icons for icons the BASH terminal, and system console. Open Content icons in accordance with GNU.
- FamFamFam Icons - Several large sets of coordinated icons, available for software use free desktop customization of charge under a Creative Commons software Attribution license.
- VisualPharm - Custom icons for commercial software manufacturers. Some free software samples for icons Windows Vista.
- iDev - A large group of icons available, some unique, grouped by icons subject.
- IconsCity - Icons and wallpapers. Icons include free and stock, icons featuring country desktop customization themes such as United States, United icons Kingdom and France.
- Dryicons.com - Free icons and free icon sets, as well icons as free vector graphics. Contains FAQ and blog.
- Linux Icons - Penguin icons in Windows ico, gif and PNG formats.
- Windows Icons WebRing - A webring for sites that offer icons.
- John Tien's Icon Page - Guide for changing icons on PC, and a desktop customization large icons selection available for download.
- FreeIconsWeb - Available for Windows, Macintosh and Linux systems. Selection includes monsters, desktop customization beer and disk jockey Vista themes.
- Gort's Icons - Icons for the Mac, Windows, Palm, and Amiga, desktop customization as icons well as Mac OS X user pictures.
- IconShoppe - Royalty free, stock icon sets.
- Zeusbox Studio - Free icons for Mac, Windows and Linux.
- Axialis Icons - Free packs of basic, web mini and web 2.0 basic software mini icons, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License.
- IconExperience - Collections for software developers and user interface designers. Offers a free sample collection and technical information.
- Free Icons Download - Offers high quality royalty free icons for Windows, desktop customization Mac and Linux, in Ico, Gif, Bmp, Png desktop customization formats.
- IconLibrary - A collection for Windows, organized in groups. A trial, unregistered icons version is available.
- Jeff's Icons - Free and fee icons for the PC, including desktop customization sports, television networks and coins.
- Professional-Icons - Icons for Windows Vista/XP, and web software.
- The Iconfactory - Icons, wallpaper, and related software for Macintosh and Windows systems. software Includes free and commercial products.
- VirtualLNK - Icons collections include designs for multimedia, medical and software business. Contains news and articles as well as software information on custom graphics services.
- B-chan's Corner - Anime icons and cursors for Windows XP.
- Best Free Icons - Free stock icons, organized by category. Accepts submissions.
- Bronsoe Icons - Provides several icons for free personal use, including animals and software pirate themes.
- iDolls icon - Japanese Anime character icons for Windows and Mac OSX.
- uiicons - Vista style icons for software projects or web applications. Includes people, dogs and transport themes.
- Top Icons - Some free, some fee icons, for Windows and icons Mac. Includes desktop customization cartoons, sports, animals and system.
- Icons - Offers Mac and PC icons, including a NES pack, a icons Halloween set and Rino icons for docks.
- Wackypixel Co. - Icons and desktop pictures for Mac OS X software and Windows XP and Vista. Some are free, software most fee. Custom design services available.
- Techlogica - Offers pre-made icon packs, as well as custom desktop customization icon software design services. Some free icons available.
- IconArchive - Large offering of icons for Windows, Mac and desktop customization Linux, desktop customization from many authors.
- Icons A Creator's Site - Hand-created Windows icons and tutorials on making them.
- Icon Designer - Some free ware icons as well as examples of custom work by Sebastiaan de With. Contains an overview of design services that includes interface design, and application and toolbar icons.
- Jeffrey Zeldman Presents - Characters and animals for web sites, and for Mac, Windows, or Unix desktops.
- Collective Soul Icons - Free music related and fun icons, some original and some desktop customization transparent.
- Icozon - Vista-ready icons for desktop, web and mobile applications. Browse by icons priority, tag or newest additions.
- IconPacks - Icons that can be licensed for use in icons commercial projects, software applications or websites.
- Iconshock - Windows Vista icons in many colors and shapes, as well as royalty free icons.
- Mintra Systems - A selection of Windows XP style freely reusable desktop customization icons and artwork.
- Delicious icons - Vector icons, offered royalty free, for personal or commercial use, icons such as platform based applications, cell phones, and websites.
- Titan Icons - Professionally designed royalty free digital icons, logos, web desktop customization templates, software and graphics. Offers visual samples including square, desktop customization flag and software 3D icons.
- ArtistsValley - Offers icon design services, for both web and desktop customization software applications.
- IconAmazons - A gallery of Mac and Windows icons.
- Hyperflame - Several colorful sets for Mac and PC.
- Quality Icons Blog - Includes a variety of icons for download.
- Zapaticons - A collection of icons that were originally created desktop customization for the Amiga, converted for Windows, Mac, BeOS, desktop customization and Atari.
- IconsPedia - Download free icons in PNG format. Arranged by software categories, that icons include animals, food and phones.
- Iconblog - Offers icon sets, archives and articles gathered from the internet and presented in a blog.
- iVGI - Large collection of video game icons, from the Atari 2600 desktop customization and Commodore 64 to the Xbox, GameCube and PS2. Includes desktop customization previews.
- Virtual Horse Graphics - Horse icons and buttons.
- IconsMonster - Offers a collection of icons covering many themes such as icons business, holidays and people. Offers secure PayPal ordering.
- Alternative Icons for KDE - Original icons based around the new KDE icons. They use icons a limited palette of 34 colors. Distributed under the GNU icons Library license.
- MyFaceIcons.com - Personalized icons/avatars drawn from a photo and optimized icons for the web, email and mobile phones.
- EasyIconFinder - Find icons by keyword, and classify or download in different formats.
- Electric Icon Land - Free icons distributed from an icon shop. For Macintosh, Linux, and Windows.
- IconsTree - Free icons and cursors for the Mac and software PC, wallpapers software and cursors.
- Alien Entity - Offers free downloads of icons for AIM and for the icons computer desktop, and avatars.
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