Browsers WWW Clients Internet

A weekly newsletter that gives you news about browsers, helps you find browsers old and new, and provides internet statistics.

    Top: Computers: Software: Internet: Clients: WWW


See Also:
  • Universe - For PlamOS 5 mobile devices with tabs support.
  • Optimized For No One - Links to and brief descriptions of a large www number of www browsers for all platforms.
  • Cartagio - Professional business browsers for web researchers and collaboration clients software for business and technology users.
  • Express - An open source web browser. It is part of the clients Gnome project, and requires the gtk-XmHTML widget.
  • 404Browser - Built with productivity, speed, and security in mind. Some clients of the features include a note pad, agents that clients learn, pop-up and ad blocking , privacy protection, and clients bookmark management. [Windows]
  • Flock - Based on the open source Mozilla code, but with the capacity to write to the Web.
  • Turbo Browser - Maximizing efficiency by merging the management of local and Internet clients resources, and web browsing.
  • Off By One - A small, fast, free standalone 1.1MB web browser browsers with HTML 3.2 support. Can be run from browsers a CD or network.
  • The Browser News - A weekly newsletter that gives you news about browsers browsers, helps you find browsers old and new, browsers and provides internet statistics.
  • SurfPanel - Animated desktop portal and browser assistant.
  • The Chameleon Web Browser - [Windows] Advanced features with a small download www filesize.
  • Netomat - With netomat, the user has a dialogue with www the Internet. browsers You can ask the net a www question using natural language. browsers netomat responds by flowing www text, images and audio from the browsers net to www your screen.
  • AuctionTamer - Customized tabbed Internet browser with a built-in auction clients item watch www list
  • Leech - High-speed offline web browser for Windows 95/98/NT/2000.
  • AtomNetPE - Mini Internet browser. Browses also zipped files. Can clients run from a floppy disk.
  • Buzz 3D - Browser that displays websites in a 3D display, showing 48 clients different websites simultaneously, and pre-loads multiple instances of all pages, clients allowing the user to read one page, while the others clients continue to load in the background.
  • HotJava - Discontinued Java based browser by Sun.
  • Amaya - W3C\\'s open source browser/editor for testing and evaluating browsers new standards. www Supports XHTML, MathML, SVG and CSS.
  • NavRoad - Compact offline HTML viewer, runs off a floppy and requires browsers no winsock.dll. Users can view HTML files anytime.
  • WebGrab - A tool that allows the user to quickly and easily download webpage elements such as images, html, applets, java applets, shockwave or director animation. WebGrab is not an offline-browser but rather a tool for webpage and ftp element downloading.
  • Activator Desk - Internet desktop and browser program for a fast, www secure, Internet. It may be used for simple www child-safe filtering, or as an advanced security shield, www preventing tampering and unauthorized access to both conventional www programs and questionable Internet cont
  • Browzar - Lightweight web browser with no history, cache, cookies clients or other www features that might leave an audit clients trail on the client www PC.
  • Brand-X Browsers - Listing of non-standard and little-known browsers, including historical browsers references.
  • DocZilla - Browser with support for SGML, XML, HyTime, CALS clients tables, RDF, browsers and XLink based on the Mozilla clients Gecko rendering engine.
  • WebStripper - Free offline browser. Copy websites and browse offline. browsers Lists browsers downloaded sites by category.
  • Grail - An extensible Internet browser written in Python. It runs on Unix, and, to some extent, on Windows and Macintosh.
  • Browse Happy - Encourages switching from Internet Explorer to a number clients of strong alternative products.

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