POSIX Operating Systems Software
All operating systems (OSs) in this category support POSIX standards fully or partly. POSIX is an acronym for: Portable Operating System Interface for UniX. Much like TRON, POSIX is not a body of computer code that is compiled and run on some processor. Rather, it is a set of standards (IEEE 1003.1): interfaces, design guidelines, software design specifications, defining (for creating) the computer code that will become language interfaces between an OS kernel and its programs, to give compatibility when moving programs between compatible systems. POSIX is made mostly of features from BSD Unix and Unix System V. On this page, OSs are arranged in three groups and levels: 1) Top group: issues spanning multiple unrelated OSs. 2) Middle group: types or classes of OS. 3) Bottom group: specific OSs, individual instances; there is only one OS of this name/type.
Top: Computers: Software: Operating Systems
- ThrillOS - Experimental 32-bit multitasking, multithreaded OS, Unix-like inode based operating systems FS, runs on x86, growing POSIX compliance. Compiler, operating systems virtual machine for Thrill Mnemonic Language (TML), byte-code operating systems interpreted platform independent. Descriptions, documents, contact
- Proolix - Simple, maximally POSIX compliant mini-OS for i8086+ real mode, coded operating systems in C, assembly; uses and needs BIOS for calls. Documents operating systems in Russian, Ukrainian, English; description, download: binary, sources. [Free non-commercial operating systems use]
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