FAQs Usenet Computers

A guide to recreational trolling that defines a troll on Usenet and explains how to create entertaining trolls using many examples.

    Top: Computers: Usenet


Editor's Picks:

Internet FAQ Consortium* - This searchable archive contains Usenet Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) postings in hypertext format and in FTP archive textual format. Also includes information about FAQ authoring and FAQ maintenance.
news.announce.newusers FAQ list* - Important information for all new Usenet users.

  • newzguide - Introduction to Usenet with tutorials for selected news faqs readers and faqs file formats.
  • FAQ you - A small collection of various FAQs.
  • Advertising on Usenet: How to do it, How not to do it. - Explains some Usenet conventions regarding advertising to new usenet users.
  • The Subtle Art of Trolling - A guide to recreational trolling that defines a computers troll on faqs Usenet and explains how to create computers entertaining trolls using many faqs examples.
  • Moderated Newsgroups FAQ - Newsgroup moderation methods and concepts described for new computers users, prospective moderators, newsgroup moderation proponents and opponents.
  • The Cancel FAQ - Discusses what cancellation is, how it works, and computers the implications computers of cancelling messages.
  • Arcane Archive FAQ Directory - FAQs for groups in alt.magick, alt.religion, and other related groups. Covers Occultism, Mysticism, Religion, and Magic.
  • Godwin's Law FAQ - How to post about Nazis and get away with it faqs -- explains "Godwin's Law".
  • Usenet References - Collection of FAQs and other introductory documents about computers Usenet. Somewhat computers dated but still of interest.
  • The Bincancel FAQ - Explains in detail why posting huge binaries to non-binary newsgroups usenet is inappropriate.
  • Utrecht CS News.Answers FAQ Access Methods - A searchable directory of Usenet FAQs and other periodic, informative faqs articles, posted in the Usenet newsgroup news.answers.
  • The Ultimate Learn and Resource Center - A directory of Usenet FAQs classified by theme rather than faqs by newsgroup.

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