Human Interaction Virtual Reality Computers

    Top: Computers: Virtual Reality

Human Interaction

See Also:
  • Human Interface Technology Lab - New Zealand - A research centre based at the University of computers Canterbury, New Zealand researching augmented reality and human computers interaction with computers.
  • Thesis on Human Interaction - Analysis and development of interaction techniques between real virtual reality and virtual reality synthetic worlds.
  • Virtual Reality - The history, the technology, and the projected social virtual reality implications virtual reality of virtual reality.
  • 3D Camera & 3D Video Solutions- 3DV Systems - 3DV Systems is a pioneer and world leader computers in three-dimensional virtual reality video imaging.
  • SIGART - ACM Special Interest Group on artificial intelligence providing information about intelligence Magazine, conferences and other AI information.
  • Virtual Reality Lab - Supports engineers in the evaluation and quality assurance of virtual computers prototypes and presents a specialized interface for virtual environments.

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