Developers and Publishers Roleplaying Games
Producer of free and commercial roleplaying systems. Also feature some free utilities, including a character generator and a name generator.
Top: Games: Roleplaying
Developers and Publishers
See Also:
- Atlas Games - A publisher of roleplaying games, card games, and board games, including Unknown Armies, Lunch Money, Over the Edge, On the Edge, Once Upon a Time, Ars Magica, Spammers.
- Politically Incorrect Games - Publisher of downloadable and print roleplaying games and roleplaying accessories. Featuring roleplaying Active Exploits Diceless system and the roleplaying Two-Fisted Tales pulp system.
- Valiant Games - Publisher of Hidden Legacy. Provides product information and roleplaying online shopping.
- Mystic Station Designs - RPG publishers designing and distributing Chivalry and Sorcery developers and publishers material, BITS Traveller, role-playing game utilities and medieval developers and publishers games.
- Eden Studios, Inc. - Creators of roleplaying games, including All Flesh Must roleplaying Be Eaten, games and C. J. Carella's Witchcraft.
- Steve Jackson Games Home Page - Steve Jackson Games publishes roleplaying and card games, including GURPS, developers and publishers In Nomine, Dino Hunt, Knightmare Chess, Car Wars, Toon, and developers and publishers others. And Pyramid Magazine, which centres on the entire developers and publishers role-playing industry.
- 9th Level Games - The official KOBOLDS ATE MY BABY!The Beer and Pretzels RPG website. Includes game information, errata, free downloads, and maps.
- RPGObjects - Open source and open gaming supporting developers of roleplaying roleplaying games, roleplaying websites, and software.
- Dream Pod 9 - The home site of Dream Pod 9 on games the web. With links to their games products and online ordering available
- Heraldic Game Design - Publisher of Outsider Chronicles and SOL.
- Three Fates Gaming - This site by designer J.C. Connors includes games expansions and variants for his game Monsters games Ravage America (Avalon Hill).
- Fantasy Flight Games - Publishers of Anima, Dragonstar, Dawnforge, Dark Heresy and developers and publishers other RPG titles, alongside board games, card games developers and publishers and miniatures.
- West End Games - Official site for the publisher of DC Universe, Masterbook, Paranoia, Star Wars, and Torg.
- Gaslight Press - Publisher of Everway, Earth and Sky, and Sun roleplaying and Scale developers and publishers (d20 System).
- Blue Devil Games - Game information for each of their products.
- Flying Buffalo Inc (FBI) - Flying Buffalo Inc is a game company (since developers and publishers 1970) specializing in play-by-mail games but also publishing developers and publishers role-playing game books (Tunnels and Trolls, Mercenaries, Spies developers and publishers and Private Eyes, Catalyst generic role playing books: developers and publishers Citybooks and GrimTooth's Traps
- SSDC - Your source for all things BattleLords and BloodDawn.
- Hogshead Publishing - Publisher of Warhammer FRP and New Style. Features developers and publishers roleplaying a catalog, online ordering, an introduction to roleplaying developers and publishers roleplaying and their system, a UK convention list, and developers and publishers roleplaying some links.
- Rogue Publishing - Publishes RPG adventures using the FUDGE Terra Incognita system most of which are available in PDF downloads. Their games cover wide variety of genres including mystery, psi-powers, supernatural, and horror.
- HinterWelt Enterprises - Publisher of Nebulon, Shades of Earth, and Tales games of Gaea. roleplaying Features additional material, forums, online shop, games information about the developers, roleplaying short story archive, and games a character generator.
- Hex Entertainment - Produces the QAGS (Quick Ass Game System) RPG and supplements. Comics, and philosophy.
- Wingnut Games Homepage! - Dedicated to Cheap, humorous games - makers of OG, role-playing developers and publishers as cavemen and Battle Cattle.
- Firefly Games - The publisher of tabletop roleplaying games and other games products in developers and publishers the adventure games industry including Monster games Island: The Game of developers and publishers Giant Monster Combat.
- Tab Creations - Creators of the Trystell fantasy setting: an easy-to-learn system with free Internet play.
- Sorcerers of the East Coast - FRPG with new and interesting spells, balanced combat, developers and publishers and percentile based skills. Artwork, maps, adventures and developers and publishers campaigns.
- Brittannia Game Designs Ltd - Publishers of "Chivalry and Sorcery", the original medieval Fantasy Role Playing Game.
- Heliograph, Inc. - Publisher of historically-based science fiction roleplaying games.
- IGS Games - Producer of free and commercial roleplaying systems. Also roleplaying feature some roleplaying free utilities, including a character generator roleplaying and a name generator.
- Alderac Entertainment Group - AEG is a publisher of Shadis Magazine - the source roleplaying of information about hobby gaming industry. Most known AEG games: roleplaying Shadis and Legend of the Five Rings.
- Columbia Games - Publishers of Harn, a "magic-weak" FRP setting, and its detailed games gazetteers and rules system, Harnmaster.
- Crafty Games - Publishers of the Spycraft RPG - Publishers of the Spycraft line of RPGs. Includes games a wiki, online community and a lot of games free, supporting downloads.
- Grey Ghost Press - Company that publishes FUDGE, Gatecrasher, and roleplaying other great roleplaying Role-Playing game stuff. Includes other roleplaying 3rd-party FUDGE game resources roleplaying such as optional rules, roleplaying magic systems, characters, monsters or creatures, roleplaying adventures and roleplaying campaign backgrounds.
- Escape Ventures, Inc. - Publisher of Element Masters and Gatewar.
- Cumberland Games & Diversions - Tabletop RPG publisher specializing in electronic publishing. The Risus RPG, Sparks paper-miniature fonts, and the Fly From Evil crime-drama RPG.
- Pulsar Games, Inc. - Home to the Blood of Heroes: Superhero and villain RPG roleplaying using the MEGS Game System.
- Dilly Green Bean Games - Creators of The Basic System line of role-playing games games. Also roleplaying publishes e-book games and game books.
- Hero Wars - Glorantha - Issaries Inc., founded by Greg Stafford, publishes Hero developers and publishers Wars: Roleplaying in Glorantha. Information on the Hero developers and publishers Wars game, and the mythical world of Glorantha.
- Battlefield Press, Inc. - Includes an online catalog, company information, convention scheduling, roleplaying and product roleplaying details.
- SteamLogic Editions Inc. - RPG publisher from Montreal who developed MechanicalDream(tm), an developers and publishers games industrial fantasy roleplaying game.
- Holistic Design - Publishers of Fading Suns science-fiction roleplaying game, among others. Site includes forum for discussion of Holistic's games.
- RTalsorian Games - Developers of anime, Cybergeneration, Cyberpunk 2020, Castle Falkenstein and Mekton games Z products. Game news, errata and links.
- Atomic Sock Monkey - Includes a product list, purchasing and company information.
- Pinnacle Entertainment Group, Inc. - Pinnacle Entertainment Group publishes Deadlands and Brave New developers and publishers games World.
- 6-0 Games - Makers of ORBIT, sci-fi role playing game and games Champions of roleplaying the Galaxy, a sci-fi wrestling game.
- Galileo Games - Publisher of The Legend of Yore, a roleplaying roleplaying game based games in a fantasy medieval world.
- Moebius Adventures Website - The Moebius Adventures website is the central location for all information related to Moebius Adventures Roleplaying Games.
- White Wolf Publishing - Publishers of the World of Darkness roleplaying games.
- Palladium Books - Publishers of Kevin Siembieda\\'s Palladium system role roleplaying playing games, games including Beyond the Supernatural, Heroes Unlimited, roleplaying Macross II, Nightbane, Ninjas games and Superspies, Rifts, Robotech, roleplaying Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other games Strangeness.
- Chaosium Games - Publishers of Call of Cthulhu, Elric!, Pendragon, Nephilim games RPGs as developers and publishers well as Starry Wisdom magazine and games Mythos CCG. Chaosium were developers and publishers also the original publishers games of RuneQuest.
- Burger Games - Finnish game company publishing games in Finnish and developers and publishers games English.
- Deep 7 - Publisher of 1PG, Arrowflight, Mean Streets, Red Dwarf, developers and publishers Santa\\'s Soldiers, and various downloadable systems. Features online developers and publishers catalog and shopping, fan material, an art gallery, developers and publishers and a forum.
- Lissner Publishing - Publisher of "Apocalypse: The New World" RPG.
- World Builders Guild - Creators and manufacturers of d20 game and miniature games accessories for games various role-playing gaming worlds.
- Apophis Consortium - Publisher of Obsidian and Shadow Nations. Site developers and publishers includes free supporting material for their games.
- Darkfuries - An independent d20 System electronic publisher of rpg developers and publishers games accessories and supplements, founded by Brian K. Moseley.
- lategaming - Developer and publisher of role-playing games, including titles by the games now-defunct Crucible Design.
- Convivium Central - An organization dedicated to Interactive Literature... role-playing games for people developers and publishers who don't play games.
- Aetherco - Developer of Continuum, the time travel RPG, and developers and publishers roleplaying Yamara, comic strip and RPG.
- Living Room Games - Licensed publishers of Earthdawn RPG.
- Cracked Mirror Publishing - Contains information on current and upcoming games.
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