Lone Wolf Gamebooks Roleplaying
This site contains details on all the published books, original gamebooks created by the site author and rules for multiplayer roleplaying in the World of Magnamund.
Top: Games: Roleplaying: Gamebooks
Lone Wolf
See Also:
- Yahoo! Groups: Joe Dever's Lone Wolf - Message board and chat centered around this fantasy gamebooks series.
- Kai Monastery - The site contains in depth information about the gamebooks books themselves, the series authors, plus other Magnamund gamebooks related information.
- Michael Hahn's Lone Wolf site - Game system conversions. Warning: music played with no way to gamebooks turn it off.
- The Claws of Helgedad - Images and information on the Darklords, the villains in this fantasy series.
- Desert Lynx's Oasis - Includes a Giak dictionary and tutorial and other original information.
- Wise Eagle's Lone Wolf Page - Electronic Role Playing Game (ERPG) support page. Fans roleplaying create interactive fiction based on Maganmund.
- Lone Wolf Resource Centre - Contains the maps from the books, an interview roleplaying with Joe gamebooks Dever and a books for sale roleplaying section.
- Kinam's Kastle - Information and links relating to this series.
- World of AD&D - Conversions of Magnamund groups to Advanced Dungeons and Dragons character roleplaying classes.
- The Aon Project - The only officially sanctioned website for download of roleplaying the English lone wolf versions Joe Dever's books.
- Lake Vorndarol - Cover art and detailed information on the gamebooks roleplaying and novels lone wolf inspired by this series.
- Kai Lords Home Page - Includes lists, chat, and a bulletin board.
- World of Magnamund Webring - A webring devoted to the works of Joe roleplaying Dever.
- Greywolf's Page - This site contains details on all the published gamebooks books, original gamebooks created by the site author gamebooks and rules for multiplayer roleplaying in the World gamebooks of Magnamund.
- Forest of Fernmost - Contains unusual details about the series such as the number roleplaying of combats in each book, all the enemies encountered and roleplaying translations from the Darklords\' language of Giak.
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