Lejendary Adventure Fantasy Genres Roleplaying
Lejendary Adventure is the core roleplaying system created by Gary Gygax and published by Hekaforge Productions.
Top: Games: Roleplaying: Genres: Fantasy
Lejendary Adventure
- Lejendary Adventure WebRing - Group of interlinking sites forming "The Lejendary Adventure Ring".
- Dragonsfoot - Lejendary Adventure RPG - Site offers discussion forums and source material not lejendary adventure found lejendary adventure elsewhere. Author of the system is a lejendary adventure regular contributor.
- Og's Guide to the Lejendary Earth World - A small site dedicated to Lejendary Earth, the world setting genres for the Lejendary Adventure game.
- Alpha-Trion VI - A fan created sci-fi campaign setting for the fantasy Lejendary Adventure lejendary adventure game system.
- Lejendary Adventure Fan Site - Unofficial fan site dedicated to the Lejendary Adventure fantasy game.
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