Hero System Universal Genres Roleplaying
Hero Games' Hero System was the first universal roleplaying system, predating GURPS by several years. Characters are designed with points spent on characteristics, skills, and powers, and gotten from disadvantages. Powers are generic and effect-based -- combinations of advantages and limitations are meant to produce any conceivable playable effect.The Hero System began with its most popular member, the super-hero game Champions, but also includes Danger International, Espionage, Fantasy Hero, Justice Inc., Robot Warriors, Star Hero, and Western Hero.
Top: Games: Roleplaying: Genres: Universal
Hero System
See Also:
Editor's Picks:
Surbrook's Stuff - Contains character write-ups, anime and manga "worldbooks," and an art gallery.
- The Wild Hunt - Ghost Archer and the Wild Hunt: superhero campaign in the genres San Francisco Bay area. Tribute to the Uncanny X-Men. Hundreds genres of character write ups, picture galleries. Tark\\'s Fantasy Hero pages genres including large general store of item costs and weights. Hero genres Sys
- Gary Kleppe's Champions Page - House rules for Present-day Superheroes; Star Force genres (Future Agents); universal Galactic Guardians (Future Superheroes); and Future genres Rebels. Ranma Hero: a universal Champions campaign based on genres the Ranma 1/2 Manga, including 14 universal writeups.
- Hero Links - Sengoku Campaign - 16th century Japan, with character genres sheets, maps, genres adventure threads, background information and fiction. genres Gothick Empires campaign - genres Fantasy Hero, magic and genres technology in a Renaissance-era setting. genres Characters genres and character art from othe
- Unofficial Champions Home Page - The first Champions Web page, Theala Sildorian\\'s page genres is still worth looking at for the Hero genres Gossip column and Chris Avelone\\'s Stick Figure Theater genres among others. It is rarely updated, though.
- HERO System Stuff - Information on several campaigns (Fantasy, Space Opera, Pulp) universal as well genres as some useful charts and graphics universal for tabletop miniatures.
- The Stuff Heroes Are Made Of - Home of the Champions Mailing List (4 week genres archive). "Justice hero system League of Alabama" campaign site: writeups genres and annals. hero system Hero and Superhero Amazon genres on-line book store. 20 package deals, hero system 2 Fantasy genres Hero magic systems, 50 items, jousting. 13 comic hero system genres boo
- Game Master's Superpowered Web Site - Home of: the Gamemaster\\'s SuperPowered Companion - a hero system DOS based program to run Hero System combat; hero system QuickRoll Die Table Generator - will print random hero system charts of 5d6 to 20d6 rolls that are hero system cross indexed to a single % roll; alternative hero system PostScript character she
- Hero Games Company - Official home of Hero Games, publisher of the hero system Hero genres System, Champions, and co-publisher of Fuzion/Champions: The hero system New Millennium.
- Hero System FTP Archives - The Hero System archive at ftp.cs.pdx.edu used to genres be the hero system main Internet Hero repository before genres the Web, rivalling Red hero system October. Still have many genres Champions characters, FH beasties and spell hero system colleges, house genres rules, spreadsheets, and other files. Most GZip form
- Kestrel Enterprises Role Playing Games Page - Christopher Taylor: Hero house rules (inc 0 cost hero system MA, skill learning); Fantasy Hero Haran campaign background hero system zip files (Grimoire, Intro, Weapons, Equipment, Armor, Herbs, hero system Elf Archers, Dwarves, Paladins); beautiful art sketches.
- Brian's Hero Games Pages - Details of characters, campaign backgrounds, and other information for Fantasy, Pulp, Traveller, and Western Hero, with emphasis on a Fantasy Hero campaign set in 16th century Japan.
- Red October BBS files - Red October was the semi-official Hero BBS for universal many years. universal The Mactyres now host this archive universal of Articles, Campaign Backgrounds, universal Characters, Rules, and Supplemental universal Material. The real treasures are universal in the universal File area, but only in Zipped text, unfortunately
- The Official Haymaker! Homepage - Haymaker! is an amateur press association magazine (APAzine, universal or fanzine) genres about Champions and the rest of universal the Hero System genres founded in 1992. It universal is a collaborative effort of many genres of Hero universal System\\'s best authors, and is a proving ground genres universal for many story ideas, ch
- Circle of Heroes - A web ring linking sites that are of particular interest genres to Hero System players.
- EZ Hero - Online bimonthly magazine for the HERO System, covering genres multiple genres with characters, plots, props, and gaming genres advice. PDF format archives and excerpts from current genres issue.
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