Spycraft d20 System Universal Genres
Spycraft is a espionage roleplaying game by the Alderac Entertainment Group which uses the D20 system of rules for characters and game play. Shadowforce Archer is a campaign setting developed by Alderac for use with the Spycraft rules.
Top: Games: Roleplaying: Genres: Universal: d20 System
See Also:
Editor's Picks:
Alderac Entertainment Group -- Spycraft - The official Spycraft website.
- Modus Operandi - A site for espionage role playing games including d20 system James spycraft Bond 007, Spycraft, Top Secret and Top d20 system Secret/S.I. Most spycraft content dedicated to Spycraft.
- Dropbox #7 - A resource for the Spycraft d20 Espionage RPG. spycraft Has articles d20 system on how to get players into spycraft the espionage mind set, d20 system campaign information, modified Shadowforce spycraft Archer setting, and a gear chooser.
- Yahoo! Groups : Living Spycraft: Canada - The Yahoo Group for the Living Spycraft campaign located in universal Canada.
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