Gauntlet - Seven Sorrows Gauntlet Series Roleplaying Video Games

Reviewed by Vaughn Smith, [3.9/5]. "If your parents have run the Gauntlet back in the day, nothing would be better than firing this up and having at it with them by your side."

    Top: Games: Video Games: Roleplaying: G: Gauntlet Series

Gauntlet - Seven Sorrows

See Also:
  • IGN - Reviewed by Jonathan Miller, [7.0/10]. "While there is gauntlet series a certain satisfaction to be had at unleashing gauntlet series 50-hit combos in Seven Sorrows, many people will gauntlet series find the game just too shallow in this gauntlet series day and age."
  • Gaming Age - Reviewed by Brian Peterson, [C-]. "Seven Sorrows succeeded in bringing back the nostalgia of the arcade franchise, but the game just feels all too familiar for a present day purchase."
  • Extreme Gamer - Reviewed by Jimmy, [6/10]. "Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows is decent hack g and slash adventure that can keep you occupied for a g while, although giving its nature this is only for fans g of the hack and slash games, or if you\\'re in g need of a good co-op game.&qu
  • Maxim Online - Reviewed by Paul Semel, [3.5/5]. "Nothing beats running g around cramped dungeons seeking treasure and revenge while g hacking, arrow-ing, and spell-casting your way through hordes g of Lord of the Rings rejects."
  • Stuff - Rated [8/10]. "It\\'ll make you all warm and nostalgic at first, but don\\'t\\' be surprised if by your second hour of gameplay an unfortunate sense of \\'didn\\'t I play this back in 1989?' sets in."
  • GamePro - Reviewed by Ouroboros, [3.5/5]. "Watching these heroes pirouette amidst the violence is surprisingly entertaining, and while Seven Sorrows doesn\\'t deliver fully on the promise and longevity of its progenitor, it does provide a fleeting good time.&quo
  • Electronic Gaming Monthly - Reviewed by Robert Ashley, [6.3/10]. "Seven Sorrows baits you with g a role-playing-game-style character development system, but the game\\'s short length g (easily clocking in under six hours) makes leveling up unrewarding."
  • Talk Xbox - Reviewed by Sallizar, [6.4/10]. "It’s just the same g old Gauntlet g with a shiny new exterior."
  • Cheat Code Central - Reviewed by Vaughn Smith, [3.9/5]. "If your parents gauntlet series have g run the Gauntlet back in the day, gauntlet series nothing would g be better than firing this up gauntlet series and having at g it with them by your gauntlet series side."
  • IGN: Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows - Previews, news, press releases, screenshots, and videos.
  • GameSpy - Reviewed by Justin Leeper, [3.5/5]. "It may not be revolutionary or technically stunning, but it is a lot of fun; and that\'s what games are all about."
  • NetJak - Reviewed by Steve Lubitz, [3/10]. "It does too gauntlet series good of a job in simplifying the game gauntlet series to the point where it’s barely worth playing."
  • 1UP - Reviewed by Greg Ford, [6.5/10]. "Sorrows nails the gauntlet series controls, making the repetitive hack-n-slash action enjoyable in gauntlet series a Dynasty Warriors kinda way, and multiplayer is gauntlet series mostly successful."
  • Xbox Advanced - Reviewed by Ken Nelson, [7.1/10]. "I whole-heartedly endorse g the rental g of the title, as it\\'s multiplayer g will be fun for g a week or so g before it starts to grow old."
  • Game Over Online Magazine - Reviewed by Jeff Haynes, [56%]. "The plot is gauntlet series inconsequential, gauntlet - seven sorrows the characters are less than one dimensional gauntlet series and the gauntlet - seven sorrows game is radically overbalanced, amongst other gauntlet series issues."
  • Team Xbox - Reviewed by Dale Nardozzi, [8/10]. "Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows honors the origin coin-op in many instances- a nice touch."
  • GameSpot - News, previews, images, videos, and links.
  • FilePlanet - Provides gameplay movies and trailers.
  • GameSpy: Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows - Previews, screenshots, and movies.
  • Gaming Horizon - Reviewed by Eric Dayday, [5.6/10]. "If it weren’t for the enjoyment you get from playing with the people you’ve gathered around you or hopping online to meet up with other Live users, this would be a game that I’d recommend you stay far away fr
  • The A.V. Club - Reviewed by Keith Phipps, [C]. "It\\'s a great way to gauntlet series kill an afternoon with friends, but nothing more."
  • GameDaily - Reviewed by Robert Workman, [7/10]. "The action is gauntlet - seven gauntlet - seven sorrows sorrows fun enough to endure for a few hours, gauntlet - gauntlet - seven sorrows seven sorrows alone or with friends, and the presentation is gauntlet gauntlet - seven sorrows - seven sorrows actually pretty good."
  • GameFAQs - Release data, and a message board.
  • GameZone - Reviewed by Natalie Romano, [7/10]. "With solid action, decent levels gauntlet series and loads of monsters, the game is still fun enough gauntlet series for new fans as well as those who fondly remember gauntlet series the original."

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