Wild ARMs XF Wild ARMs Series Roleplaying Video Games
Review, by Aaron Vaughn: "...as a newcomer, I was swept off my feet with the game's combination of atmosphere, art style, music, and still previously mentioned hex maps." [Grade: B]
Top: Games: Video Games: Roleplaying: W: Wild ARMs Series
Wild ARMs XF
See Also:
- 1UP - Review, by Andrew Fitch: "What frustrates me the wild arms series wild arms xf most about Wild Arms XF is that even wild arms series wild arms xf if it didn\\'t quite translate the Wild Arms wild arms series wild arms xf theme to a strategy-RPG the way I\\'d like, wild arms series wild arms xf it still had so much potential to take wild arms series wild arms xf the often far-too-formulaic tactical tem
- GameFAQs - Release data, FAQs, images, and a message board.
- GameZone - News, trailer, screenshots, and links.
- IGN - Videos, screenshots, review, previews, news, and a message board.
- Gaming Age - Review, by Aaron Vaughn: "...as a newcomer, I w was swept w off my feet with the game\\'s w combination of atmosphere, art w style, music, and still w previously mentioned hex maps." [Grade: B]
- GameSpy - Review, news, screenshots, and a movie.
- GameStats - Videos, screenshots, average scores, article links, and a wild arms series wild arms xf message board.
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